Wed, 15:13: A New Year equals a new #Sims4 Legacy Challenge. Come on over to my channel and see how this new Legacy starts, will it make it to the 10th gen. How will things unfold this time round? Only way to find out is to join my #livestream n come n find out!
Thu, 17:31: RT @ MS_Focus: How do you know if you're in sync with your doctor? This is the ninth and final sign that you're on the right track! https://…
Mon, 13:34: RT @ rubin_allergy: I have heard a lot of people say “well, during COVID…” Uh…Covid is still around and killing almost 400 people per day
Mon, 13:35: RT @ APainPrincess: ”I haven’t had a symptom-free day in years. This is probably one of the most difficult things for people to wrap their h…
Tue, 15:38: RT @ DisabledEliza: Disabled people don’t owe you an explanation of the mobility aids they use
Tue, 15:47: RT @ EasterSeals: Today, December 13th, 2022 marks the 16th anniversary of the @ UN adoption of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disa…
Sat, 18:37: RT @ GHMansfield: Nondisabled people should not be setting the terms of access for disabled people.
Sat, 18:50: RT @ FBananapants: Need more doctors calling on the Federal government that passed these expansions to MAiD to actually get financial suppor…
Fri, 15:24: RT @ just_shannon_s: If you are an abled person in a virtual meeting and you notice there is no way for you, a participant, to enable captio…
Fri, 15:31: RT @ DiaryofaSickGrl: So many people think they’re “above” chronic illness/disability. Anyone can have an accident, get a horrible virus, or…
Wed, 00:49: RT @ GHMansfield: Inaccessibility for disabled people is not an oversight. It is a failure.
Wed, 00:50: RT @ GHMansfield: Engaging in disability simulations is not disability awareness. Listening to disabled people when it comes to inaccessibil…