AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH i have to say i luv that all blacks again. The luv's of my life. We won the bledisloe cup yet again. Go NEW ZEALAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * dances around * Who Rocks? NZ Rocks!!!!!!! Woo hoo.
Anyway i went to ballet today. Whew talk about being lost. I was very lost. I can't believe mike put me in a ballet 4,5,6 class when this is like the first real ballet class i have ever taken. But i luv it and as bad as i look in it, its helping me. I was pulling into the dance studio and i noticed a pt cruiser. Then i remembered its Stacy's and alex parked right next to me so you see 2 big cars and a little pt cruiser. Alex thought it was so cute and stood looking at it( on the other side of her was this little little car.) Anyway.I was talking to myself on the way home and i was thinking about the movie what women want and this one girl asks if kissing a girl makes her a lesbian. Then i started to wonder if liking a girl makes you a lesbian, but you still like guys. HHHHHHHMMMMMM sorry to scare you all but that's what was on my mind. Tum tee tum. Anyway we need to figure out what day we are doing notecards because my days are filling up really quickly with dance and working at the library. So call me. OK. ( There I've said it. I hope you read this, you know who you are)Talk to you all later.
~ erin
Funny thing is i never liked nick whe n i liked the backstreet boys. And anyway since we were on the subject. What if the person was a lesbian. Why would they have a boyfriend?
Yeah i know i used my middle name but i kept getting this wrestler dude and it was gorss. Lets see katy make a jealous face at this one. Hee hee hee. Katy who got brandon boyd?
You are the playful pin-up! Do you know how to be
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hug from behind - you like to feel what the other
person is feeling and see things how they see
them. you tend to be serious and emotional.
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