Обнаружил в Jerusalem Post
интервру с неким Игорем Бирманом, желающим стать конгрессменом. Получил настоящий праздник, начиная с заголовка:
Anti-Semitism drove Igor Birman’s family to leave USSR
Birman’s parents brought him, his younger brother Eugene, and his grandmother from Moscow to Albany, California, in 1994 . (Просуществует ли Советский Союз до 1994 года, ага).
Birman remembers living with that “less freedom” very keenly. He recalled his grandfather being fired from his job because wouldn’t join Communist Party
We couldn’t learn Hebrew, we couldn’t learn what Judaism was about, we couldn’t worship without our parents being in fear for their jobs. (В 1994? Пг'авда-пг'авда?)
Persecution, anti-Semitism, xenophobia in the Soviet Union (and surely Russia today) were so ingrained into society that one was effectively compelled to accept them as a fact of life...
We went to Safeway [a supermarket],” Birman said, “and for first time, I got to see this abundance that I’d never seen before. I remember waiting in these long lines [in Russia], hours long, with my mom, sometimes with Dad, for basic staples. That’s what defines your life. If you’re not in school, you’re waiting in line for sugar, bread or milk.(В 1994? В Москве? Да неужели?)
При этом на 90% уверен - клиент не врет в обычном смысле этого слова. Ибо ИСКРЕННЕ ВЕРИТ, что все так и было.
Формирование коллективной памяти, классический случай.