You, Legolas, alone in one room. What do you do?
Make him teach me archery. Make him teach me how to use those knives so damn cool. Make him teach me elvish. Make him talk to me in elvish (^^;;), then, I would probably have to jump on him.
You, Arwen, alone in one room. What do you do?
Ask her very politely to give me one of her dresses, maybe make her teach me elvish, talk with her a bit about Aragorn, then on the way out, steal her necklace :D
What gift would you ask of the Elves?
Evlish for Dummies of course! No probably a bow and arrow or maybe a ring of power? XD
What race would you most like to be?
Elf all the way!
Honestly...would you keep it secret, and safe?
Well...maybe, but only ifthe fate of the world depended on me so much that I wouldn't be able to use it once. Because if I could use it once, I would like to follow David around for a day and see what he truly says. LoL.
If you would keep it secret and safe, would you be the Ring-bearer, or would you swear to protect the Ring-bearer?I think I would probably have to protect it. Gold looks too bad on me XDDD J/K
You're the Ringbearer. Who's in your Fellowship?
Me=David(ha!) Jason=Aragorn Kyle=Boromir Sami=Merry Katie=Pippin Megan=Gandalf Me=Frodo Sam=Vanessa(my freshman stalker)and then whoever else wants to be Gimli, have at it. Maybe I should put Kristen in there for shits and giggles, that would be fun. hehe.
Ok, you're not the Ring-bearer (but you are in the Fellowship like above), who of your friends would be the Ring-bearer?
I think Jason would make a good ringbearer
Are you evil? Evil enough to become a tool of Sauron?
Erm...well I won't lie to you, that would make me even more evil, so yes, probably...
If you had to be one of the evil creatures (i.e. the Balrog, the Cave Troll, an orc, Ring Wraith, etc) what one would you be?
RING WRAITH HELL YEAH. Though it would be cool to just be one freaking huge eyeball. But then, how would I get my contacts in???
If you didn't know the Ring was The One Ring, but you knew it made you disappear and such, what would you do with it?
Use it to get out of PE or something. Or maybe use it in a soccer game. LoL that would be so funny. Look! A floating ball!
Pippin and Merry - are they really okay guys, or just big nuisances?
Pippin and Merry are the best!
Who kicks the most ass: Gandalf, Legolas, Strider, or Gimli?
I would have to say Gimli or Aragorn.
Would you rather be an Archer, Wizard, or Ranger?
Well, Gandalf doesn't seem to use his magic too much, so I would be an archer.
Who's your favorite character?
Legolas, Merry & Pippin, Gandalf, Eowyn, and Galadriel.
If, for some odd reason, Aragorn and Legolas were to get in a fight, who do you think would win (and why)?
Legolas, Aragorn would run at his sword up in the air and halloring and before he even got a few feet Legolas would have pegged him with an arrow. *sighs* Wish I could do that.
Do you think the race of men is weak?
In the movie and books, yeah.
Does it make you sad to know the Elves are leaving these shores?
React to this: Frodo lives!
Uh...good for him! Yeah! (@.@)
If you've read the book and seen the movie, did you like both, or do you think one was better than the other?
I think I liked the movie better on both because they went quicker and had more action. The books are humongous, but I do lurrrrve them.
Do you think the movie was an insult to Tolkien's genius?
Any problem with the cast?
I love them all, except maybe perhaps Elrond. Whoever plays him just doesn't look like and elf. you think Liv Tyler did a good job as Arwen, or are you glad she's in the movie just because she's hot?
I think she's a good Arwen and all, she just shouldn't have been in the movie as much as she was...
What do you think of the choice to cut Tom Bombadil?
I would have liked to see him, but then the movie would have been about a half an hour longer.
Was the Balrog all you had hoped for?
All I hoped for and more.
Any other changes from the book to the movie that irritate you?
Well, the whole Arwen thing. And then Glorfindel(sp?)wasn't in the first one. the second one, I didn't like how they portrayed Faramir. In the books, when tempted by the ring, he refused at once because of what it did to Boromir. And then in the movie he was sending the hobbits to Gondor. Yeah, didn't like that. Faramir's supposed to be all pure and innocent and by the end of the movie I'm like, "YOU BASTARD!"
How about that special-edition DVD, pretty cool, or no?
Have to borrow it from my dad soon...
Lastly, what was your favourite bit of the movie?
FotR: Well, Moria, Lothlorien, Rivendell, and some others too...
TTT: Helm's Deep for sure, also the little bit with Mordor, and little schitzo Gollum, aww how cute ^^