Series 4 -
Am almost done with Series 4 and I love it. I like the new companion, I like how she's always willing to question the doctor, and I really like the fact that it's an easy partnership with no romantic complications.
0) Voyage of the Damned: Not bad, I did like it but kept getting distracted by Kylie Minogue. It was just weird. Couldn't completely get her character because of it.
1) Partners in Crime: Absolutely hilarious! I loved how the Doctor and Donna kept just missing each other, and the stupidest communication they had through the glass windows. Adipose are very cute :)
2) Fires of Pompeii: Action packed episode, I enjoyed it.
3) Planet of the Ood: LOVED IT but I think I would've enjoyed it more if I hadn't been 'music' spoiled. LOVELOVELOVE the music. Stands alone really well. But absolutely beautiful scenery and CGI.
4/5) Sontaran Strategem/Poison Sky: liked it, but that genius kid pissed me off. Even his moral turnaround didn't completely redeem him (not convincing enough? too sudden?)
6) Doctor's Daughter: I really liked seeing this paternal side to the Doctor. It was lovely, actually.
7) Unicorn and the Wasp: Agatha Christie! I loved the whole set up and it was a nice change of pace from all the aliens and technology and modern Earth.
8/9) Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead: I love libraries so these were great episodes for me. Good action episodes again.
10) Midnight: Oooh, I LOVED this one. Change in pace - nice to see them relaxing for once - but the whole emphasis on human nature and psychology was lovely. I have a feeling the way I'd cope is in Dee's position - at first reasonable and then not being able to take action when the time came. Colin Morgan makes an appearance, um, but as a character he's kinda annoying. Too neutral and gothic and pure teen.
I keep seeing Rose! Obvious that this is essential to plot. And the Doctor dies? According to trailer? I am saving these last episodes for tomorrow!
I love Doctor Who. I really do. It just makes me wanna go out there and see what there is to see. See what's happening and get involved. Things might be wonderful, might be bad, but it's there to be seen. What you do is important.
Silly to attribute it to a show, but there you are. Easily influenced, that's what I am.
Would love to see pimp post for Doctor Who! I don't know if there are any out there? Surely...