Well everything is the same yet different. Recently I've been thinking about applying for MSG duty. Which is Embassy Duty for yall not in the know. It's 3 years total spending 1 year in a different country each year. It would be interesting and maybe it would help me get that next stripe it's pretty hard to pick up in my MOS right now. Go off
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Comments 3
Anyway, I think if you want to try to get in, you should. You're still young and unattached; you should travel as much as possible. If you get it, hope it's in a cushy place like France or something. I dunno. heh.
Don't bog your brain down with worrying about the psychosis bullshnit behind wanting to go. Girls aren't worth the trouble of losing your focus. If the girl is worth a damn, she'll be there through the whole thing anyway.
My advice, even though you didn't ask for it, is to give you and your new bride (whomever she maybe, whenever you get married) time to enjoy being married before rushing into having a family. Yes, having kids right away is nice, but being married and just having it be YOU and the WIFE is much better nice. Trust me! Once the kids come, you're stuck.
But, use your noggin. If you're going to travel, you don't want to put yourself or your potential wife through the heartache of a long distance marriage. While it's true that as a military man, the potential to travel or be deployed is always there, so is the chance to be stationed at a base for a few to several yearsnezumirel is right. Any woman worth a damn will stick with you. But it is not easy! And it's less heartache being the one leaving than being the one left behind. Trust me! You'll get to travel and be kept busy. Your other half gets to return to an empty house/room/apartment and see memories of your stay everyday for the next 6 to 12 months ( ... )
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