UPDATE - Toronto Pagan Conference - Good News

Oct 03, 2006 19:05

Hear ye, Hear ye!!!

The Toronto Pagan Conference is FORGING AHEAD in 2007 with our Featured Speakers:

Judy Harrow & Gus diZerega

Judy Harrow is High Priestess of Proteus Coven (http://draknet.com/proteus/proteus.html), located in the metropolitan New York area. She is also chair of the Pastoral Counseling program at Cherry Hill Seminary, and President of the New Jersey Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling. Judy has written two books, Wicca Covens and Spiritual Mentoring, edited and contributed to the anthology Devoted to You, coordinated the 50th Anniversary reissue of Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner, published in 2004, and writes the regular "Mind and Magic" column in PanGaia Magazine. Judy's work in the field of pastoral care and counseling is reflected in the program descriptions and course outlines listed at: http://www.cherryhillseminary.org/.

Gus diZerega is a Gardnerian Elder with over 20 years practice, including six years close study with a Brazilian shaman. He participated for many years in Interfaith work between the Pagan and other spiritual communities. He has conducted workshops and given presentations on healing, shamanism, ecology and politics at Pagan gatherings in the United States and Canada. His book Pagans and Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience won the Best Non-fiction of 2001 award from the Coalition of Visionary Resource. He is working on two new Pagan book projects: The Fight for America’s Soul: The Return of the Divine Feminine, the Sixties and the Culture Wars, and Beyond the Burning Times, DiZerega has also published books and articles on democratic theory and practice, ecology, and spirituality within the academic and intellectual press. His blog and website is www.dizerega.com.

When does it all happen you ask???

March 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 2007
at The Valhalla Inn, 1 Valhalla Inn Road, Toronto, Ontario
(Call the hotel for room reservations - check our website for details)

Pre-Registration is NOW OPEN!!
Be sure to take advantage of the incredible 3 day price of $85.00 prior to December 1st, 2006
Price at the door will be $120.00

Pay by Cheque, Money Order or PAYPAL through our website.



If you are interested in getting involved by speaking, volunteering, vending or sponsoring the conference, please contact: info@torontopaganconference.com

Formed in 2004, the Toronto Pagan Conference was created as an event that invites both Pagans and Non-Pagans to join in a conference environment to learn and better understand the aspects of what Paganism represents in our thriving, modern society. Our objective is to develop networks among the different Pagan groups and individuals on their spiritual paths and for those who are still seeking out their path. The conference continues its community building efforts with giving pagans, and non-pagan public, an event that strives to better the environmental, personal, community & spiritual values in our lives.
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