take the "what's your dark secret?" quiz | courtesy of
mewing.net. where darkness and secrecy abound.
hmm... maybe i was abducted by aliens... or in band class.
take the "are you a democrat or a republican?" test.
and go to mewing.net to love or sass. go bill!
take the "why did you get in trouble?" test.
and go to mewing.net. because laura's been in trouble on the first day of kindergarten on. hehehehe. shit face.
What will you get for Christmas? |
mewing.net. bah humbugum.. who? i dont want random men under my tree unless i kno them.
mewing.net told me that I should be
a F E A S T for Halloween.
I'll look mighty tasty
You'll think I'm a turkey and try to baste me
What should you be? try to baste me and ill kick your ass bitch.
The type of ex I am is:
m i s s i n g
My ex and took the term "breaking up" very seriously and no longer have any contact. I am ready for new lovin'.
what type of ex are you? |
mewing.net. 'EX'cellent. HA.yea.... hahaha
Laura's Levels Of Hell
0. Heaven:
Laura's friends, people who meet her most stringent standards for not sucking, people who figured out how to pass the quiz, and people who like
Susan. 1. Purgatory:
People who pluralize (or possesify) non-plural or possessive establishments, i.e. "Barnes and Noble's," "Costco's" and "Eckerd's," people who refer to kissing or fornicating as "hooking up," people who hate macs, and people who watch too much television.
2. The Boring and Grammatically Incorrect:
Compulsive askers of "whats up?" "what's happening?" "how are you?" "what's your major" and instigators of other small talk, people who misuse object and subject pronouns, people who constantly speak or write in the passive voice, and people who type LOL too much.
3. The Young and Misguided:
People who care where other people buy their clothes and talk about things being "trendy" and "selling out," people who try to be random and talk about squirrels all the time, people who fancy themselves either nerds or avid fans of any or all of the following: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, anime.
4. The Idiots:
Boys who say they like blow jobs and posters of women with big boobs and feel manly for doing so, girls who like those kind of boys, fraternity members, sorority members, people who talk about liking beer or pot too much, people who punctuate with "yo," and the Dave Matthews Band.
5. The Wavering:
Democrats who voted for nader in the 2000 election, Democrats who didn't vote in the 2000 election, people who don't think that Bush is "that bad" or who had no stance on the recent war, yet attest to being 'political' and yet are otherwise politically noncommittal.
6. The Miscellaneous Hates:
Vegans who wear leather, smokers who worry about eating healthy, people who steal their friends' boyfriends or girlfriends, say mean things about their best friends behind their backs, or don't think Laura's funny.
7. The Hipster Fucks:
People who say they like sarcasm and irony. People who are smarmy. People who listen to music they don't really like, watch movies they don't really like, wear trucker hats, say things like "rock out" and "hip" all for the sake of irony.
8. The Immorally-moral:
Republicans, SUV drivers, suburb dwellers, people who homeschool their children, the religious right, other anti-abortionists, including ones who shoot abortion doctors, assholes, people who think that porn is sinful, jerks, and people who think "Taylor" and "Madison" are nice names for babies.
Where will Laura send you? (The first place she's sending you is
cept... not.
my style of love is:
Love begins as friendship and has little drama.
what's your style of love? |
mewing.net. where love goes to die.~*sigh*~ if only
My pickup line is:
Wanna dance?
what's your pickup line? |
mewing.net. hey, baby.hahaha cept... i think id rather say...
you're hot.... YOU must be the reason for global warming! ;)
why does laura hate you?mewing.net she loves me she REALLLLY loves me!
what celebrity feature are you? mewing.net well of COURSE i am... :-?
take the virgin-whore dichotomy quiz.
and go to mewing.net. where we're all studs. cept my room is hella messy. and i stole soap. i was 3.
what kind of tard are YOU?
and go to mewing.net. yay haha
take the "are you thomas pynchon, goethe, or a brick wall?" test.
and go to mewing.net. weirder and weirder every day. nice.
take the "are you pittsburgh, miami, or hoboken NJ?" test.
and go to mewing.net. NYC represent. its because i speak spanish isnt it?
do YOU smell? mewing.net. a wide field of wild daisies. good to kno. thanks!
find YOUR drag persona
and go to mewing.net. where all the men wear skirts. ... i actually LIKE cher. shh!
take the taboo quiz.
and go to mewing.net. nothing is taboo there. no comment.
take the nerd test.
and go to mewing.net. a nerd utopia. music nerd. ha.
take the jeans quiz. gus made it!
and go to mewing.net. because laura and gus collectively own over 30 pairs of jeans. im NOT a mom and i HATE tapered jeans... and im not prude. well... mentally newayz.
take the butt quiz.
and go to mewing.net. why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts? wow... im a wallbutt. do those even exist?
because i thought this picture was pretty, laura of
mewing.net told me this: "you are an effervescent, happy person, but your friends and coworkers have noticed with dismay that you tend to bark like a dog and lick your knee, elbow, or wrist when left to your own devices. at the age of seven, you took a road trip with your family, and discovered that your favorite state is kentucky. at the age of twelve, you fell in love with the boy {or girl} next door, but were rejected in favor of your little sister. your career path involves animals and/or fashion design, but you will die alone and miserable at the age of 82."
whatever will laura tell you?? eh. i really dont get it haha.
take the antisocial test.
and go to mewing.net. because laura's feeling social. yea.. plz dont tell. itll kill me if ne1 actually KNEW.
what's your battle cry? |
mewing.net |
merchandise! mew. im gonna kill you.
take the cher test.
and go to mewing.net. because laura isn't cher. yet it is brewing inside of me... watch out world! mew!
take the non-offensive quiz.
and go to mewing.net. laura = great. if ya say so...
take the nyu type quiz. and then browse around mewing.net. because laura is cool. haha mr grimley yelled at peter for using pseudo in an essay... good times...
take the "what's my fault" quiz. (and then browse around mewing.net. because laura is cool.) shit. im what i hate. go me.
take the death quiz.
and go to mewing.net. laura = great. maybe ill go... run... away... bye.
yea. i have no life. go me.