It is good to hear that you are getting out there and making an impact in this world. remember that it isn't your job to save somebody or change their mind- Jesus just said to go. I was up at IRBC all summer and from may-august, everyday I prayed that God would open doors for me to talk to people and lead one to Christ. I figured God would grant it because for one I got to lead a little boy to the Lord the year before and second because I was faithfull in prayer, but it didn't work that way. That was kind of a blow to the face, but God totally taught me what it is to minister and also that it is my job to plant the seeds and someone elses to water or vice versa- but in the end it is God's job to save them. I have a boat load of verses I can give you so I'll do that later. Have a great day, Potsi! >Grace
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