Smallville 10x05 - Isis
1. I was so ready to be completely let down by this episode after the epic that was the 200th. And yeah - if it wasn't for the ending, it really is just a silly, kind of cracky, run-of-the-mill Smallville episode, and I was going to be fine with that. BUT THEN!!!!!!
2. First, all the non-Clark/Lois stuff that I loved: everything Cat Grant chose to be (poor Keri Lynn Pratt, she's ever going to play anything other than The Ditzy Blonde, isn't she) (she was annoying but fantastically hilarious oh man, her one liners were BOSS) ("I will never understand liberals." -- INSTANT CLASSIC); Tess's gorgeous laugh at Cat's "revelation" that Lois was The Blur; Tess/Oliver snark; Tess/Oliver UST (I can't not see it, no matter how many times they invoke Chloe); Clark/Oliver/Tess being a team! And now Lois can (hopefully) be part of that from now on! *squeeface*
3a. NO SERIOUSLY, I CAN'T. I DON'T HAVE WORDS. Wait, that's a lie, I totally have words. I always have words. :P
3b. LOL forever and ever at Lois rehearsing at her apartment. She was so adorable and hilarious and just so sweet about it, and I totally melted at her little laugh after pretend!Clark asks "Does it change the way you feel about me?" And it came true - that was the very first thing Clark asked Isis!Lois after he confessed to her. :3 She knows him so well, ugh I can't take it.
3c. CLARK. <3<3<3 His little "five minutes!" gesture, eep! :D His nervous babbling through first confession almost killed me: "I did tell you once before but everything got outta control. And it wasn't your fault though, you were perfect." HE BROUGHT UP INFAMOUS. AND YES, CLARK, SHE WAS PERFECT EVEN BACK THEN. :3 He was so adorably earnest, ugh. And that long talk with Isis, oh goodness, Clark referring to Lois as the woman he loves will never, ever, ever get old. Even if the writers bring it up ten times an episode, it will always reduce me to a puddle of goo. THEY'RE IN LOVE AND THEY BOTH KNOW IT. :333
onebreath at DI
4a. But when I was faced with the idea of losing you forever it made me realize there's something I would regret more than anything else - and that's not telling you the truth about me. Because that's the only way we could share a life together. I know the odds are stacked against us and we'd be risking everything, but if you’re ready to take that leap, there's no one else I'd want to take that leap with. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
4.a.1. Perfect speech, or THE MOST PERFECT SPEECH????? He practically proposed to her! He acknowledged the risks they'll be facing together with her knowing! He let it all out in the open because it's no less than they both deserve!!!!! I CAN'T.
4.a.2. I really thought he was going to let her walk away yet again, and Lois had her almost-patented sad, depressing Clark-won't-let-me-in face, and I was so ready to yell and scream and rage, BUT THEN!!!!!!! He looked so vulnerable and scared and why shouldn't he be - he has the most fucking awful track record with people he tells his secrets to - but this is Lois, and he really should have learned by now that she is absolutely unlike anyone else he has ever had in his life.
4c. That incredible grin on Clark's face when he found out that she's known all along - UGH CLARK, ONCE AGAIN, LOOK AT YOUR LIFE, LOOK AT YOUR CHOICES, YOU CAN END WARS WITH THAT GORGEOUS GRIN OF YOURS, PLEASE NEVER EVER EVER STOP.
5. You guys, I'm so happy. I want to draw hearts all over my ship.
30 days of writing [day 06] your day, in great detail
October 23, 2010 - Or, How My Weekends Usually Go
At around 8am, I woke up to my phone blaring the beginning of Another Day from the RENT movie soundtrack (it's been my alarm for at least two years now; needless to say, I can't listen to that song on my iPod without a Pavlovian jerk to attention). I turned on my laptop and then my TV. I scrolled through Twitter and Tumblr as I watched the Yankee-Rangers game airing live on ESPN Asia. I copypasta'd my
previous post from Notepad and published it on LJ. I found a MegaUpload link for the Smallville episode that just aired and I started downloading that shit so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. The download took about an hour, and in the meantime I did some
powervoting for Kris, watched my feed go by, and continued to stress over the game. I spent some time scrolling through this nostalgic
ONTD post, too.
Time passed in that abstract way it does~ and when the Yankees eventually lost, I sadfaced for a while on Twitter. :( :( :( Ugh, we sucked so much, and it was so upsetting that we couldn't even go down fighting. It was probably the last game
the Core Four will have together, and hurt so much to think about. Bah.
After wallowing for about half an hour, I watched Smallville, and lol you can see from above that I enjoyed it A LOT A LOT A LOT. :D It was fabulous, and I was so happy I squeed out loud. It's nothing new to my family to hear me freak out like that though, so they didn't really care. (They had already endured my 2 hours of sighing and moaning and yelling at baseball on TV, so it was par for the course.) I got called for lunch - ground beef with mushroom sauce and rice - then put away the dishes right after. Then I scrolled through the
Isis thread over on DI and flailed some more. \o/
One of my Tumblr refreshes brought me to scans of Captain Fine's InStyle interview, which then brought me to
ontd_pinto and led me to laugh uproariously at
this glorious comment. Soon after that,
literarynut linked me to
this awesome Pinto video (which I kept open in my tabs for, like, 11 hours lulz) and obviously the next logical choice was to dig up my copy of Star Trek from our external hard drive. My day was suddenly shaping up to be a Trek day, and I didn't mind that at all.
By this time, rain had started to pour down hard and fast outside, and I was happy to settle in with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket, and watch the whole movie. Then I reread reboot meta that I had bookmarked, and then started rereading
seperis's epic
You'll Get There In The End. I was reading so slowly and deliberately that I got interrupted by a call to the dinner table (tinola \o/). My mom got home from a seminar a few minutes later, and I helped unload the groceries. She'd gone shopping for Halloween candy, and reminded me of my yearly duty to pack them into little bags for easy (and fair) distribution on the 30th. She also brought home raspberry ice cream, and I finished a huge mug - a terrible decision when it had been cold and rainy all day, but I didn't care. Om nom nom nom nom.
I still wasn't done reading the fic by the time my dog knew to start pestering me to take her out. So we took a walk - umbrella in hand because it was still drizzling - it was so nice and cold outside, I didn't mind taking a more circuitous route than usual. Then I decided on a whim to get the candy packing out of the way (one week early, idec), so I settled on my couch and filled 75 paper bags. It was mindless, soothing work, and I finally finished the last 1/5 of the fic while doing it.
After another Smallville rewatch, I pulled up this Notepad file and started coding this post. :D I started rereading
War Games and eventually fell asleep. THE END.
Yes, I realize that I literally spent my entire day on the internet, barely getting up, hardly interacting with anyone else, a slave to technology. *shrug* That's what my off-days are like, no shame.
Soooo many words in this post. /o\ IDK how I thought I ever ran out.
Uh, here, have a gif? :D