Collective Sin

Aug 17, 2009 12:20

Dear Mr. President and Senators,

As your constituent, I wanted to make my position on health insurance reform clear to you: The United States of America absolutely requires a Single-Payer system, known colloquially as "Medicare-For-All".

To have decent, hard-working citizens lining up for free clinics as if they lived in the African bush, as at least 10,000 of our fellow citizens were forced to do in Los Angeles last week, is a sin, Senator. A sin that is on all of our heads, but which only you and your colleagues can correct by passing the necessary legislation.

I urge you to tell your so-called benefactors in the insurance industry where to put their filthy money and renounce them publicly. Introduce and pass a bill that will ensure that all people receive the care they need when they fall ill, regardless of their ability to pay, as every other civilized nation on Earth has already done. If you cannot or will not do this, then may God have mercy on us both.

I eagerly await your reply in the affirmative. Until then, I remain,

Your Fellow Sinner,

Obi-Wan Quixote

medicine, economics, politics

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