i fail at writeups

Dec 04, 2006 01:39

lol,nothing like doing them at 1:00 am the day they're due for l ike 50 points :D

Mori C-7
Egg Drop Write-up

-Experimental Design
The idea behind my design was the idea of allowing the egg to ‘give’ when it fell. I constructed a box shape with a basket suspended in the middle that would carry the egg. The idea was that when dropped, the egg would remain in the basket and would move only a little, not cracking. Unfortunately, it didn’t end up that way.
Materials: 15 bendy straws, 6 rubber bands, 5 paperclips, 1 m masking tape
1) Take four straws and bend them to a 90-degree angle at the bendy part. Insert the ends of the straws into the tops of them, to make a square shape.
2) Repeat step 1. You should end up with two squares.
3) On one square, attack paperclips to the four corners, so that the ends stick inwards toward the center. Take two straws and cross them, and then stick the ends onto the paperclips. You should end up with a square with an X in the middle, using no tape so far. J
4) With four more straws, attach the X-square piece and the square piece using tape at the four corners, creating a box shape. [note: I used bendy straws for this part, but it’d be advised to use sturdier straws, as the ones I used didn’t work well.]
5) In the center of the X, attach a paperclip and to that attach a rubber band.
6) Take another straw and cut it into four pieces, then using tape connect them into a square shape. Take a large rubber band, twist it once, and then tape each end to an end of the small square.
7) Using two large rubber bands, tape an end of them onto a side of the small square [like a handbag] to make the basket. Attach the basket with the rubber bands to the paper clip in the middle.
8) Put the egg in the basket and watch it fail. :’)
In the egg drop project, the idea was to create a contraption that would be able to protect an egg from breaking, using limited materials. When my egg was dropped at the two metre mark, the egg unceremoniously fell out of the basket and smashed. This represents a major design flaw I had- I didn’t make the basket secure enough. The egg drop itself was fine from the fall, if a bit wobbly due to poor supports used, but the corner of the small square in the basket most likely broke, as it did during a test run of the egg drop the night before. I thought I had enough tape left to fix it, but apparently it wasn’t enough.
If I were to repeat this project again, I would make any holding devices securer. I misunderstood how much support we were allow to give the egg itself, which is partially why I went with the basket idea, while others went with actually using rubber bands on the egg.
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