end of the year writing meme
#mmdgz and #godlokong and tlist represent! without them none of these would exist.
okay, so, here we go:
number of fics written: 98
total word count: 185 300 words approximately
chronological breakdown:
is sehun even allowed to drink | baekyeol
felix felicis | sukai
use your hands and my spare time | chenyeol, chinguline
we're speaking in bodies | baeksoo
bob-omb | sekai
if he had hands to tremble all over | baeksoo
我愛故我在 | baekchen
untitled | lukai
untitled | suhan
untitled | xinglu
untitled | chankai
suddenly the air is new | suchen
i'm caught on your coat again | baekchen
it doesn't have to be a snowman | chenhun
untitled | sukai
untitled | baekchen
untitled | chen/all
accept my love! (i don't want your love!) | baekchen
i'm so hot | baekhyun, snsd
나무 | luchen
the water sustains me without even trying | chenkai
man's grasp exceeds his nerve | baeksoo
are you going to age with grace? | kaisoo
untitled | baeksoo
untitled | baekchen
untitled | sukai
wanting to ask you about the weather on that side | baekchen
where we used to laugh and play | sekai
psa: it's hash slinging, sehun | sekai, tlist
multiple untitled drabbles | baekchen, luchen, suchen, chensoo, chenyeol, chinguline, beagleline, exo vocal line, baeksoo, baekyeol, krischen, toheart, baekhan
but your laffy taffy got me froze, oh | chinguline
slow motion | kyungmyeon
wanna test our coefficient of friction? | chensoo
[first] | yoonseok
[second] | j-kook
we've got one thing in common (it's this mouth of mine) | baeksoo
and the clouds are breaking now | kyungmyeon
a procession of seasons | yoonseok
i want love (to walk right up and bite me) | suchen
recalibration (the rate of exchange of a memory for another) | suchen
[third] | yoonguk
[fourth] | yoonguk
seongshil | yoonseok
[fifth] | yoonseok
between the kingdoms of the living and of the dead | baekchensoo
[sixth] | taegi
[seventh] | yoonseok
breathe again | j-kook
anodyne | yoongi
untitled | suga, bangtan maknae line
[eight] | namjin
[ninth] | yoonseok
untitled #1 | baekchen
untitled #2 | baekchen
untitled #3 | baekchen
untitled #1 | jikook
untitled #2 | chensoo
untitled #3 | yoonseok
untitled #4 | krisbaek
pathetic fallacy | bangtan ot7, yoonseok
[tenth ] | taejin
undoing | vkook, j-kook, namgi
and you did it for me | yoonseok
placeholder come and take mine | yoonseok
like everybody else | j-kook
[thirteenth] | yoonseok
trip easy | ikon golden trio
summer yeonghwa | bkyung
cognitive resonance #1 | yoonseok
cognitive resonance #2 | vkook
cognitive resonance #3 | yoonseok
cognitive resonance #4 | vkook
snapshots | chensoo
it was you | yoonseok
so, iron me (rewind me to the start) | j-hope
밤이 새도록 (aside) | hongseok, hongbob
absolutely | double b
multifandom drabbles | ned and lyanna, arya/aegon and ned, boahyung, yunbob, hwanbin, vkook
[redacted due to unrevealed exchange fic] | [redacted]
☆ in summary:
looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
a whooooooooole lot more. i honestly did not realise how much i'd written until i started working on this meme. and then i think about all the fic that i still have that's going to end up being posted next year. jesus fucking christ.
what pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in january?
bangtan and team b/ikon. no way did i ever see myself writing for them. also, i ended up writing a tiny krisbaek thing sometime later in the year, which is something i probably wouldn't have done in january.
what's your own favorite story of the year?
this is like asking me to choose my favourite child... okay, personally i really liked absolutely, and a procession of seasons (since, well, it was for my own birthday) and trip easy, and man's grasp exceeds his nerve, and i am totally getting carried away right now sobs okay a few more i also liked [third] and [redacted].
did you take any writing risks this year?
i entered a whole bunch of exchanges while i had a-levels (i am still having a-levels! i am going to die! rip my results in january). also, i wrote fics based on a couple of topics that i wasn't sure people would take well, but went over rather alright, i suppose.
do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
write more longfic! but i want quality and quantity so i really just want to push myself to write a million new ikon fics (including inception!au) and the 50k j-kook and the 20k yoonseok and all the pwp advent fics that i owe everyone and myself and to finish pathetic fallacy and also the 30k vampire!au that's been sitting in a folder for three years.
☆ from my past year of writing, what was...
my best story of this year:
how to even answer this wtf. i'll just list a few that i thought i did well on, i guess. in no particular order, then:
- [third] | yoonguk
- recalibration (the rate of exchange of a memory for another) | suchen
- trip easy | ikon golden trio
- like everybody else | j-kook
- slow motion | kyungmyeon
- i'm caught on your coat again | baekchen
- pathetic fallacy | bangtan ot7, yoonseok
my most popular story of this year:
i'll base this off accumulated comments; also this is just for myself to keep tabs on my fic so i'll go up to top seven again, then (because i like the number seven):
1. suddenly the air is new | 160 comments
2. we've got one thing in common (it's this mouth of mine) | 74 comments
3. trip easy | 74 comments | 60 kudos
4. and the clouds are breaking now | 69 comments
5. a procession of seasons | 58 comments | 117 kudos
6. are you going to age with grace? | 50 comments | 11 kudos
7. is sehun even allowed to drink? | 53 comments
(if i was going by word of mouth i'd have to include linger on me. lmao.)
the story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
recalibration (the rate of exchange of a memory for another). i loved this fic so fucking much (and i spent a lot of time plotting extensively and fact-checking) that it really got to me when i got less of a response than i'd expected for this.
the most fun story to write:
probably psa: it's hash slinging, sehun. not even kidding. that fic was so full of crack but all the tlist references and inside jokes made it sooooo fun to write lol. oh god, and but your laffy taffy got me froze, oh. that was the most incredulous thing i have ever written in my life. oh god. i never want to acknowledge it ever again but then again i want to frame it up on my wall in embarrassment.
the story with the single sexiest moment:
how to answer this yet again wtf wtf wtf. i write too much pwp for my own good how am i going to. okay. fine. let me just. pick my top three again because like. there are a few scenes i really, really, really liked, i guess.
- absolutely | when bobby kind of dazedly described how hanbin looked above him
- man's grasp exceeds his nerve | when baekhyun and kyungsoo basically fucked all over kyungsoo's apartment, right before the big heist
- seongshil | yoongi describing the entire experience of dressing up for hoseok
well. i guess so. otherwise i could just throw all my pwp stuff into this question.
the most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
but your laffy taffy got me froze, oh. six words: use of candy as sex toys. yes.
the story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
trip easy, maybe? that one really took a hell of a lot of looking into the characters, and i guess writing canon fic always makes me contemplate character perception just a bit more than usual. writing bobby made me aware of just how overwhelming he is in all his relationships, with his family, his friends, his bandmates, even strangers, or people he just works with. it was a really nice thing to realise.
the hardest story to write:
summer yeonghwa. haha. i kind of blame a lack of inspiration, and the fact that i hadn't written block b in over two years. also, [mumbles indistinctly] prompts were a little too vague [end mumble] but i made do! more or less.
the biggest disappointment:
the fics i wrote under a different name for onlayforlu and maknaerulez.
the biggest surprise:
when suddenly the air is new as well as and the clouds are breaking now got a sudden influx of comments. same goes for we've got one thing in common (it's this mouth of mine). i really hadn't expected those fics to get so... popular? i guess. it was really shocking, haha.
the most unintentionally telling story:
i'd have to say, 밤이 새도록 (aside), the hongseok-centric thing i wrote on a whim one night. i guess that tells a lot about how i feel he got shafted in mix&match. it's funny though. i didn't even vote for him. haha. i guess i just sympathise a lot. either that, or anodyne. okay, anodyne is really telling. it's so personal. i'm not even kidding when i say that's personal experience. that tells you everything you need to know about me in under two thousand words.
☆ favourite opening lines
His smile. Her laugh. The light jokes, the teasing, the good-natured chaff. The scarf that she wears, tucked around her neck, despite the weather and the occasion and the wind that blows too strong on the promenade deck. His camera, sitting light in her palms. His voice, when he whispers her name like it’s a psalm. The way her hair smells after a long shower; her favourite shampoo, the flavour he tastes on her lips, too. When she leans back into him, slow motions in slow motion, repeat. Stop motion. His smile. Her laugh. Their fingers, entwined. The way her eyes seem to say, you’re mine.
- snapshots
there are second chances. and then there are simply the chances that never occur more than once; fleeting moments and glimpses of the future that scarce appear before the eyes, streaming through the fingers like fireflies through a frameless net. these are the lights that guide. these are the waves, the tide. these are the stories that he will confide, years from now.
there are these chances, and then there is bobby.
- trip easy
Like the sound of a heavy hand or a birch stick against the taut skin of a buk, the noise falls.
He allows himself to fall backwards, into the memories of ages ago, of arching voices and shuddering, gasping arias, the echo of a millenium reflected in the chant of the sorikkun against nothing more than a single sori-buk, spinning the wailing tale of youth and filial piety, churning out the humourous solemnity of the human soul.
It sharpens in pitch, spiralling upwards, spiralling, spiralling into a strange storm that latches onto his hands and drags him into the furor of the abrupt switch from one section to another, drags him into the whipping winds of the excited rhythm, a fast-paced breeze that sweeps at the soles of his feet and forces him into the steps marked by the gayageum, the janggu, the daegeum that trills and expands and pierces the air in a long, drawn-out note.
- recalibration (the rate of exchange of a memory for another)
☆ favourite closing lines
yoongi might look good in a suit, but he looks even better in absolutely nothing.
- [seventh]
January and February come cold and burring, but Yoongi only knows the de novo warmth of March.
And Yoongi only knows the warmth that comes with the hand in his.
- a procession of seasons
They will never call it love.
But it’s getting pretty damn close.
- placeholder come and take mine
☆ favourite 5 lines from anywhere
“I spilt his coffee onto his shirt,” says Taehyung simply. “It had been a nice shirt. I offered to lick the coffee off. He gave me his card.”
- [sixth]
Bobby says nothing. Then, “You should have come back to Seoul sooner.”
“I know,” says Hongseok. The delayed pursuit of a dream does nobody favours. Especially the dreamer himself.
- 밤이 새도록 (aside)
His mentor had meant it both ways. Don’t trust anyone. And down here? You can’t even trust yourself.
He’s never been particularly good at listening. Bobby has wonderful hands.
- untitled (butterfly effect)
Hanbin runs a hand through his own hair, fingers gripping tight when he rolls his hips down against Bobby's, tight and hot and slow. Bobby watches the motion, almost entranced. The way Hanbin’s eyes flutter, the way his lower lip trembles when he exhales. It’s fucking beautiful. He’s fucking beautiful. Or maybe, Bobby’s just really fucking drunk.
- absolutely
Break me, says Hoseok, break me and put me back together again.
- cognitive resonance, day one
☆ top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated
bobby wakes up in the morning, and it’s almost a replica of the nights they’ve spent together in the past. faces pressed together, limbs tangled together. hanbin’s head pillowed against his shoulder, jinhwan’s arm thrown lazily over the both of them. and just like those days, bobby watches and waits and wonders.
he doesn’t understand this in the slightest. not in the slightest bit. but what he does understand is the affection he feels when he reaches up to thumb over jinhwan’s cheek, over the little mark right under his eye, or when he presses his mouth against the nape of hanbin’s neck, a barely-there brush of lips against skin.
neither of them wake up for an hour or so. in that time, bobby still hasn’t figured out what it is that makes his heart beat twenty-times faster than it’s ever gone before, whenever he looks at them. peaceful sleep, he wants to keep them like this; counting sheep until the sunshine falls in heaps and loads, though never burning more than their own touches.
he considers all of these things.
- trip easy
there is a boy sitting on the sidewalk, licking an ice cream. yoongi does not understand the compulsion to raise his camera and aim his lens towards the boy, but he does. and the shutter goes off with a light click that echoes through the air, and makes the boy glance over.
“hey,” says the boy. the ice cream drips down his wrist, in the growing heat. “what are you doing?”
“taking a photo,” says yoongi, cradling his camera in the heel of his palm. of you, go the words unspoken.
“why?” the boy, head tilting. yoongi finds him strangely engaging. the way he positions himself, legs spread out across the side of the street. “and you didn’t ask if you could.”
yoongi holds his camera up. “can i take a photo of you?”
the boy just looks at him for a second. “alright,” he says, eventually, and yoongi snaps one right away, not needing to give direction, not needing for anything but just the boy in that one, singular moment, with his hair slicked up in the back with sweat, with the ice cream swirling down the side of his arm, with the scuffed-up clothing and the thread-bare slippers. “hey,” says the boy again, a little amusedly, “why do you keep doing that?”
“doing what?”
“just. taking photos like that.” the boy pulls away from the moment for a second, to lick up along his wrist, catching the drop of ice cream that’s just almost reaching mid-forearm. yoongi’s eyes follow the motion. he snaps another photo, and the boy starts momentarily. “do you just take photos of everything?”
“only the things that matter,” says yoongi.
- [third]
“Remember, this is a simple Drift. There will be no launch.” Switches are flipped, buttons are pressed. Jongdae steadies himself for the onslaught of memories, this time, not his own. “Neural Handshake activating in three-“
It slams into him, into them, waves rushing straight through his mind, suffocating, suffocating, suffocating- swirling, twirling, blending in with every single emotion and feeling and thought he has in him, swirling into his bloodstream and threading through his fingers like whirlpools, suffocating, suffocating, suffocating inhale exhale inhale exhale breathe breathe breathe i can’t breathe-
-and here it comes and here it goes and here is where it begins to show, the steady song that rises from the tips of his toes and enters through his throat and spills out through his eyes and ears and mouth and floods his system, draws him back into himself, drags him away from the overflow of memories and he watches them swing past like the wind zipping around the corner of a building, watches them passively, eyes open but not quite open, heart still but not quite still, and the urge to latch onto one is so great, so great, but he lets them pass, he lets them come through him and he waits-
He sees the image of a young boy, he sees and feels his fear, he sees monsters of old and new crashing through walls, he hears a shout, he feels a scream bubble up inside him but it is not his scream, who does the scream belong to, who does it belong to, who is screaming-
He sees the image of a young man, he sees and feels his fear, he sees a laugh and he sees a smile but they do not belong to the young man, they are mocking and willing and killing and the young man shouts, the young man reaches out, and the young man falls to the ground and picks himself up and stands tall and says nobody can stop him, this is his choice, it is his cross to bear and he will bear it with all he has and all his might and all he can do-
He sees everything, and that is all he does: he sees.
- recalibration (the rate of exchange of a memory for another)
Arms slide around him, warm, comforting. Yoongi exhales sharply, and Hoseok tightens his hold on Yoongi, one hand curling into the nape of his neck, and the other around his waist, and it’s so fucking intimate and so assuring and just so Hoseok, god, Hoseok’s chin hooked over his shoulder and his entire body just leaning into Yoongi, just there and solid and the solace that Yoongi has been craving desperately, silently, for years, months, weeks, days-and he has it now.
They stand there quietly for a few moments, on the sidewalk, just wrapped up in each other.
Yoongi presses his nose into Hoseok’s hair and breathes him in, breathes in the crisp fall air and the scent of Hoseok’s shampoo and the remedy that he brings with every fibre of his being.
“I’m sorry,” whispers Hoseok, and Yoongi can’t bring himself to ask Hoseok to let go, can’t bring himself to say that someone might see them, someone might stop and ask what they’re doing, can’t bring himself to even say a single word, because what’s this in his eye, what’s this, what’s this? “You don’t have to talk about it, really, I swear, I just-I just wanted to-”
“Yeah,” croaks Yoongi. He will not break, he will not break. Almost like a mantra, it swirls about in his head. It comprises those four words, and her laugh. Her giggly little laugh that bubbled out of her tiny little self every single time Yoongi picked her up and swung her around and poked her nose with the tip of his finger and called her a brat. “It’s okay.”
- a procession of seasons
“And a one,” shouts Jongdae, “and a two, and a one, two, three, four!”
The band strikes up a roaring tune, to the cheers of the crowd, and dancing ensues. Kyungsoo’s smile is especially wide on evenings like these. The thumping feet matching the beat of the drums, the trumpeting calls of the brass instruments behind him, the delightful piano that keeps in time with the tempo.
Kyungsoo sings his throat hoarse every single Thursday, but he loves it, and he wouldn’t trade anything in the world for this. The Crack Rock is, at times, a seedy little place, but it’s got some of the best live music in the area, and Kyungsoo had been attracted to the exciting night-life and brilliant stage since day one.
Chanyeol catches his eye from behind the double-bass, and winks toward the crowd.
In the back of the speakeasy, a young man is nursing a brandy alexander between his palms, eyes intently focused on Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo slips easily into the next verse, voice soaring over the band, even as Jongdae slams his palms into the piano keys at a tremendous pace, laughing when Baekhyun kicks his stool from where he’s slamming out adlibs from his tenor sax, who scowls when Jongdae steps on his foot in return.
- slow motion
☆ fic-writing goals for 2015
definitely to write more. to write better! to try things i haven't tried before. to stick to a more regular schedule than the haphazard writing habits i have going on right now. fic-writing goals include surpassing this year's word count. and writing for more than just exo and bangtan fandom. definitely more ikon, some mamamoo, and maybe spica!
i also definitely want to attempt writing for non-kpop fandoms again. maybe a song of ice and fire/game of thrones, inception, a few other bandoms that i still haven't left too far behind yet.
but i'm really thankful to everyone who's read my stuff so far. i'm hoping for more response next year too! it's been one hell of a fic year, this year has been.
and no fic would have ever been possible without the constant encouragement of all of tlist. love you guys a million times infinity.
drop me a line on
tumblr or
ask.fm if you ever want to talk fic, by the way!
fic masterlists |
listography ☆