I had the weirdest dream after watching DMC last night. The details I remember are as follows:
I was perusing LJ for Pirates fics, and I came across a post by
compassrose7577. She had written something titled "Giving" with the summary "He gave and gave until there was nothing left". And in the summary was the magic word "Jacktorture".
Now, for anyone who doesn't know, I am totally addicted to fics in which Jack gets injured/is ill/is being all angsty--Jacktorture. So I got all excited and opened up the post. My brain must have had a hiccup or something, because the actual ficlet was not necessarily Jacktorture. In fact, I remember thinking it could have applied, theoretically, to several PotC characters.
And oddly, once opened, the post had a different title (which kills me), "Fate grew a long, long beard"
The body was thus:
I......... I.........
have been waiting a long time...
And now time has grown...weary...
Of waiting..........on me
Honestly, I feel a bit strange even posting this, because I still feel like I didn't think it up myself--that it belongs to
compassrose7577. LOL