[Running water in the background. Well, not so much 'running' as just 'apparent'. Zelda's on the first deck, and thoughtful as ever.]I am not so desperate for answers. I will acquire them in my own way
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Seems to be a popular saying no matter where you're from. Now, see, I believe that that depends on the situation and the person. If one is not responsible for a situation, they have no reason to blame themselves.
And as is the case here, I think you blame yourself to much. I sound like a pysch major geez.
I only said it was a possibility. I would hope it not to be such, but I cannot deny that it is at the very least--possible. I know not to think so harshly. I am just the same as everyone else here. I am sorry for worrying you, Sarea.
I would not call myself a musician. I simply... enjoy music. I am capable of playing, of course. It is just simply not commonly thought of as public knowledge. No one has ever asked me about it.
I assure you; I am not so interesting. Besides, if you learned more about me, would that not spoil the surprise a little? Do you not like me being a little more enigmatic?
I would like it very much if you would play for me sometime.
I thought someone might ask me about that. It occurred to me that I have never actually paid attention to Jak's hands. It was simply something I thought I would verify.
Well, you see, I never look at his hands. It is not as though I fail to pay attention. I think I just take for granted that everyone has five fingers, but the trolls aboard this ship only seem to have three.
[She corrects herself.]
Two. Thumbs are not fingers, and I was told they have two fingers and a thumb. Technically I suppose that means Jak really has four fingers and a thumb. As do I. And as do you, I will assume until shown otherwise.
Comments 160
And as is the case here, I think you blame yourself to much. I sound like a pysch major geez.
[Well, he certainly won't ask for it, then. That's okay, though, he doesn't mind.]
I wonder if we could find a similar style of ocarina on the boat somewhere. Then I could play with you, maybe.
Oh... This is true. I took it from you when I sent you back. Well, when I was supposed to send you back. Hm...
[Does she give it back to him...?]
I would like it if we could play together. Maybe we can ask around?
Do you play any music, Kevas?
Here and dere. It be sometin' to pass da time.
[When he's not drinking himself stupid.]
I would like it very much if you would play for me sometime.
I thought someone might ask me about that. It occurred to me that I have never actually paid attention to Jak's hands. It was simply something I thought I would verify.
How do you not notice if a person is lacking or overabundant in body parts, Princess?
[She corrects herself.]
Two. Thumbs are not fingers, and I was told they have two fingers and a thumb. Technically I suppose that means Jak really has four fingers and a thumb. As do I. And as do you, I will assume until shown otherwise.
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