All of the following stolen from
1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post that to your journal with these instructions.
I don't upload. But here you go!
- "Bounce" by System of Down
- "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy
- "Burning Bright" by Shinedown
- "Broken" by Sins of a Divine Mother
- "Bright Eyes" by Blind Guardian
1. Reply to THIS post, and I will select four or five of your userpics that I like.
2. Make a entry and talk about the icons I have chosen.
3. Other people will then comment on your entry and you will do the same as I have done for you.
4. Thus creating a NEVER ENDING of icon squee.
Could you spell that? A hilarious Death Note icon I found at the big death note comm. I'm not a Kira fan, but I admit that Kira is made of lulz. And since my ultimate goal in Livejournaling is to be a respectable troll, I need trolly icons like that. "Could you spell that?" With the implication being of a person accidentally doing Kira's work for him. Funnies.
Vulnerable. A cute icon from the Death Note live action films, of L apparently sucking his thumb. I believe in the next shot Mr. Yagami puts a blanket on him. I find that the L in the films feels a lot more human, and I like this vulnerability shown here. I can identify with him more and I like him more. I also love the first scene of his final ep in the anime for the same reason.
"I can see the whole of time and space, every atom, and I divide them."
"You're gonna burn!"
Two out of order bits of Dialog from the Doctor Who (new series) Season 1 finale, the Parting of Ways. In episode 11 of the season, "Boom Town." a part of the TARDIS (the Doctor's ship) had opened up and turned the villain into a child, allowing her a second chance at life. In the two parter, "Bad Wolf" and "The Parting of Ways," the Doctor and his two companions--teenager with a dead end life and an insightful mind, Rose, and intergalactic pansexual conman gone straight in all but sexuality Jack--ended up in the middle of a battle for humanity. The Doctor tricked Rose back into his ship and sent her home, but she wouldn't stay there and forced the TARDIS panel open, revealing the heart of the TARDIS. NOw the TARDIS is a time machine, and so looking into the heart of it... well, her dialog when she reappeared in the battlefield with a halo of golden light around her and glowing eyes and a different accent, "I looked into the TARDIS, and the TARDIS looked into me." Other great lines: "I am the bad wolf. I create myself. I take the words, I scatter them, across time and space. A message to lead myself here." The arc words of the series, bad wolf, had been popping up everywhere, and were part of what inspired her to go back...and after she came back as basically a time god, with the ability to change stuff all through time, she sent them back, etc. Then she proceded to destroy the bad guys with a wave of a hand, revive dead characters, and generally godmod all to hell. The Doctor kept on shouting at her to stop. "you're gonna burn!" etc. etc. Eventually he got up and kissed her, drawing the Vortex out of her... and dying himself, regenerating into the Tennant Doctor.
I hate Rose, and I love the ninth Doctor, but I love this arc, this epsidoe, for how well it's done and how it makes clear what Rose is. Rose is the ultimate potential of Humanity, its inherent divinity unlocked. She's an average person who found great courage for the sake of love and became God. That's what the Bad Wolf is, essentially: God. So was the Vortex!9th Doctor, but he was able to let go (with the implication that he had used it earlier in the series). I love the way the way the series shows the human reaction to godhood, and I love the way the characters are handled. I also love how the Bad Wolf Rose is basically Kira, but with less jerkass and a lot more sympathy. I like these two particular icons for showing the Bad Wolf's rage at the Daleks, for destryoing everything she loved--and based on what we know of season 4, I DO MEAN EVERYTHING, and the Doctor's terror at losing Rose to, likely, the same thing that killed his whole people.
Also, the Rose icon might be from the "I scatter them" line, but I don't care.
Name a character from one of my fandoms and I'll give you:
(a) Three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon;
(b) A reason he/she sucks;
(c) A reason he/she is awesomecakes;
(d) Five things that never happened to that character; and/or
(e) Five people that character never fell in love with and why;
Also, any of the above I've given, feel freek to ask me for more and I'll provide via comment.
On an unrelated note, I hate sand fleas.