
Feb 12, 2005 00:29

It's not like I'm closing my whole world or going for a permanent leave, I just realized that blogging is not really my suit. I'm bad at it, all I wrote here is plain Rubbish, with a capital R. Besides, The Carnival is in town ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

metropoli February 18 2005, 22:31:16 UTC
to tell you the truth, I post lots of rubbish too although I wish I never did. I can't keep a "proper" journal because of my schoolife which is basically my whole life. (lol) but I'll hope to see you back soon enough :) I find that I've kept my blog (not this one) because of contact with my buddies from before. anyway, yes, happy valentine's day (belated, yes but better late than never) too!


O_o; lovewood March 25 2005, 18:04:12 UTC
Why goodbye?
I've just started my LJ and now you leave?
Hey.. my writings are rubbish too.. but I don't care :p as long as my heart feels better after writing them..
So you gotta do that too...


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