Talking to one's self [Part 3]

Jan 03, 2005 09:24

The moon was at his most disgusting figure. He shone yellow and it hid behind the heavy cloaks of the dark clouds. You tried to reach and grab him. You wanted to touch him so badly and dreamt that someday, you would make him into a pendant which you’d wear on the day of your funeral. But he was too far for you frail arms to reach. He hung in heaven ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

aki7 January 3 2005, 13:17:08 UTC
wow. that was something to read @_@


anonymous January 3 2005, 18:52:44 UTC
*claps* you're such a good writer <3 That passage just blew me away XD Enjoy your last day before school >< Luv you *hugs*



nevercrazy January 4 2005, 06:57:31 UTC
Oh my god.. did you really write that?!... Your amazing.. that was .. wow.. *speachless* ... *O*!!!!!!! *falls* You are so getting a clinging/hug next time it alk to you on AIM XD <33 not that you dont always anyways XD


sarj_hoshino January 4 2005, 08:31:20 UTC
I liked the imagery you used to indicate that every existence is juxtaposed to another. =3 Good work. Btw, didn't you have a literary portfolio somewhere before? Whatever happened to it?

Ugh. T_T School na naman bukas.

On another note, do you have more clips from Pla's Cell tour? =3


oboeteiru January 4 2005, 11:15:51 UTC
Thanks ^_^ It's actually the third part of my mini [rubbish] story/narrative or however you want to call it x__x; Part 1 and 2 are somewhere in my older entries. Every part narrates a different view of what happened. Well, the endings are constant.

x_x Oo nga Sarj, pasukan na naman. Math pa ang unang subject. Goodluck nalang sa'tin. And about my collective site, I killed it already, I realized that majority of human beings prefer to watch tv than read silly stories on the net.


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