
Apr 24, 2004 18:38

HEY WAKE UP!!! Someone try this community out! It's perfect! Just click and read!

Hey! I have a new fic. It's called "Mihi Dic" Which is 'Tell Me' in Latin (Yes, I took that language for two years)*ahem* anyway...The first chapter is entitled 'What's Amiss' and takes up after chapter 7 of 'The Mauritius Command' and refers to books before and after. So yes there are spoilers, I don't worry about them when I read other's fic though 'cause there is just sooo much to read, It would be years before I could read the fic! The first chapter is short and just pricks your brain a little to get you interested. We are going to probe Stephen's brain...that is our mission with this 'un. Though of course we will do it genlty and with Jack's help. Please enjoy, I will update by how my reviews go, please offer sugestions for further installments! (no slash for this one please.) :) *crosses fingers*

Enjoy C.C.

Mei Dicere

Chapter one: What’s Amiss?

By: Megan Baker

Barrowed characters from Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin novels.

Parts in italics are quotes from various Aubrey/Maturin novels.

The sight of the Boadicea was a welcome one to Stephen Maturin as he made his laborious way up her side. Welcome, of course, because he had become accustomed to her but more recently welcome because of his flight from the Nereide. Welcoming voices piped around him as he caught his balance on the deck. He didn’t ignore them, he answered politely; yes, glad to be back. Commodores in his cabin I assume?

He staggered down below deck and sluggishly made his way to Jack’s cabin.

“Why Stephen, there you are! Cried Jack, springing from behind a mass of papers as Stephen walked into the cabin. “How happy I am to see you-another couple of hours and I should have been off to Flat Island with Keating and his men-Stephen, what’s amiss?”

“I must tell you what’s amiss, my dear.”

When finally he had related the entire incident to Jack, facts only, he sighed and dropped his head in his hands. “Clonfert is a decent enough man. He was quite entertaining to me actually. But I would not recommend his way of command.”

“I hope he didn’t suffer you needlessly.” Jack began to collect his strewn papers and Stephen unceremoniously collapsed into his hammock. When he was settled he began again. “I wouldn’t say he suffered me needlessly, though I suffered none the less.” Stephen presently began to feel of his ribs, healed but uncommon sore, he thought.

“From ship to shore to fort to another ship to shore and again. It was miserable.” Jack gazed suspiciously at his friend. “I assume you’ve aquired an injury?” He asked noting Stephen’s discomfort. “Yes, yes. No, don’t fuss.” He said fending off the Commodore’s hands. “It’s fine, all taken care of. Actually happened when I boarded the Nereide. Bonked my head and all falling in the water.” He said dissmisively.

“Through all that cannon fire, and battle and you return with wounds from an accident not battle related.” And though Jack had meant to be firm his youthful mirth surfaced at the thought and he stifled a laugh. Stephen rolled over to face away from Jack and closed his eyes. He cringed and ignored the visions of the cannon fire. No, Jack did not realize he had seen it, that he had been on deck this time. Through this battle he was not below. Did not realize that this particular time he had felt the bullets whiz by and seen the flying splinters that he had tirelessly extracted from so many others, even Jack. “I only want to rest, I’ve had quite a new experience and I would prefer to mewl over it a while…in peace.”

Whatever new experience Stephen was referring to, Jack was in the dark. He honored the Doctor’s wishes and left the cabin to wait the rest of his time aboard on deck. While waiting, however, he was puzzled by Stephen’s statements and tried to place his behavour. He could only place one other time that he had come aboard in such a deep melancholy. The night he had returned to the Surprise only in light of Jack’s threats that he received, through Bonden. Perhaps he had been rather stern. But for all his knowledge, Stephen had simply disappeared and had become distant while they lay in Bombay. He remembered the haggard look upon the doctor and Barrett Bonden’s somewhat disapproving look on deck. As he remembered it the summons he sent through his coxswain was quite cold and official.




you are hereby required and directed to report aboard H M ship under my command immediately upon receipt of this order.

I am, etc.

Jno. Aubrey

And what other statements Bonden had added about his own mood or anger he would never know. But yes, he assured himself, that was the last time he had seen Stephen in such a state and he even doubted that it was his cold reserve that had caused even that. He walked steadily towards the starboard and ignored the men around him, even their slight timidity to walk nearby. He was still thinking, trying to reach a conclusion. There were many things, Jack felt, that were being left unsaid. This, he concluded, must be challenged.

Seriously, this community seeds some buisness...come on people. :) 
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