Title: (for now) These are the first and the last.
Words: 1,991
Raiting: PG?
Spoilers: This is a speculative story based on my thoughts on spoilers for #100.
Summary: Keep up, keep up, don't try to figure it out, just follow along, and I promise it gets to a point.Should be noted that I was pretty out of it with the lack of sleep and the cough syrup when I wrote this last night.
There is for now, and eventually, and isn't that how it's always been? )
11 iPod Drabbles, the last of which is based on #100 spoiler speculation
I'm going to take more cough syrup now, and hope for the best. Failing that, I'm just going to hope the cough syrup makes me feel loopy. )
Responses to the bitesize_bones/Official Hiatus Support Group Meme
Here with "Something With a Purpose" (in response to a prompt about Brennan's buying a couch, and Booth's insisting that he will help her move it. I'd say Season 4 spoilers).
In response to "B/B snowed in," I wrote
The Cold Title: One Half of a Whole (or If and When Parts One and Two Go Out for a Drink, They Will Have a Baby Called Epilogue)
Pairing: B/B. Duh.
Spoilers: I'd say mostly through "Dwarf in the Dirt." I don't think I reference anything past that.
Disclaimer: About to make my Sallie Mae payment for March. Dammit.
Summary: I think we've all learned by now, summary is not my forte. I started this after "DitD," then didn't like it, then realized I didn't like it because there was too much of it...look, it was a thing. Anyway, now you can read it if you want to.
However many times it takes. )
Title: Science and Magic
Words: 1,686
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: Not for profit.
Summary: From the last scene in 5x11. This started rattling around when B/B were talking during 5x11 in the trailer. For four years, they've both through that they're talking about two different things, but they're really not - it's all the same thing; they just don't give it the same name. Also, this comes from a fact about stars which I have always found fascinating.
Read more... )
Title: (there are more than only) Two Sides to Every Story
Words: 7,140
Pairing: B/B
Spoilers: I'm up-to-date. Catch the hell up.
Disclaimer: Sallie Mae owns my ass.
Summary: I'm not in the mood to summarize. I hate doing it, because of all the things I have been accused of in my life, brevity is not one of them. I will say that, structurally, while this is linear, it is one of the stranger things I've tried to do, I think. So, you know, there's that. Which probably doesn't make any sense. I'm pretty sure I need more champagne. (Author's note: Other than "Proof" (below), this is probably my favorite thing I have ever written. Not that it matters to you. But it does to me. So there.)
Read more... )
Title: Fireworks/But This Is Not A Date
Words: 4,887
Pairing: B/B
Spoilers: All of them
Disclaimer: I'm poor
Summary: It is New Year's. And Booth and Brennan are going to a party together. But it's not a date. Really. No. Shut up, Angela. It's not like that. (Author's note: for
billpickle as part of
zerodetorres 's 2009 Holiday Fic Exchange)
This is not a date. Except for that part where it is. )
Title: The One You Never Saw
Words: 5,071
Raiting: PG
Pairing: B/B
Spoilers: Mentions of several episodes in both a vague and specific manner.
Disclaimer: I start Sallie Mae payments next month, and I have debt the size of a mortgage. That should reveal to you my financial situation.
Summary: There is the one case you've never gotten to see: the first case. I am sure this has been written before, and will be written again, but this is my shot at it. Segments of all-dialogue, and an excerpt from one of my other stories,
Proof, because I am a lazy writer who did not want ot write the same moment again.
There is one case you've never seen. )
Title: Nunc Pro Tunc (Now for Then)
Words: 1,097
Raiting: K
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: Poverty, or in the alternative? Bite me.
Spoilers: Up through 5x06
Summary: With apologies to both Merriam and Webster. Also, I love dictionaries. I get all Rory Gilmore about them.
She's finally ready. )
Title: Depending on the Weather
Words: 7,264
Raiting: T
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: poverty
Spoilers: Dude. It's a NatBM tag. I circle YES in answering this questions.
Summary: Lightning is a fickle fiend. Or friend? Hmm. You can tell I'm too sleepy for this.
So. I know you're wondering. )
Title: So Many Things
Words: 1,325
Raiting: K
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: No money, no sue.
Spoilers: Con Man in the Meth Lab (I never wrote a tag, so here it is now).
Summary: Cats and Kittens, I just like writing Booth. Seriously, I just like writing him so. Effing. Much. So. This is Booth. At the end of Con Man.
Windbreaks and regrets: it's all the same, really. )
Title: Tommorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Words: 1,030
Raiting: K
Spoilers: it's a 5x03 tag. You are warned.
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: I haven't even gotten my first pay check yet. Still judgment proof.
Summary: Booth does some internal angsty thinking or something. God, I hate summaries. Just read it. Or don't. But it's more fun if you do.
Read more.... )
Title: The Heart Knows What the Head Can't Say
Words: 1,254
Pairing: B/B
Raiting: G
Spoilers: Through 5x01, The Harbingers in the Fountain
Summary: Booth is going to have to lie.
His lion heart knows the truth. )
Title: Real or Imagined
Pairing: B/B
Words: 1,546
Raiting: K
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Bite me
Summary: Booth and Brennan discuss the first time they kissed someone. All-dialogue (also, I've tried something with this one that I haven't tried in an all-dialogue before. I'm not telling what it is, but if you figure it out, let me know, and tell me how it worked. I'm curious).
First kisses? Are bound to be a let down. Second ones are pretty damned, good, though. That's your PSA from O'Brien. )
Title: There's All This Ringing In My Ears
Words: 1,804
Raiting: T? I guess.
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: Poverty, thine name is Me.
Spoilers: Inspired by promos, but makes no direct reference to anything. This one's sort of vague, kids.
Summary: Some people aren't very good dancers, but that doesn't mean the music doesn't sound damn, damn good.
Personally, I have two left feet, but I think I'm pretty great at the robot. )
10 9 Fic in 10 Days
I decided, after I finished the bar exam, to try to write 10 1,000-word+ fics in 10 days. I wrote around 18,000 words, but only 9 fics. Below you will find the product of this weird self-imposed challenge.
Title: Just In Case
Words: 1,219
Raiting: K
Pairing: Spock/Kirk (no, really, B/B, of course)
Spoilers: S4 finale
Summary: Brennan's heart explains why she wrote the story in the S4 finale. I don't know if you can really anthropomorphize a heart, since it's already technically human...but whatevs, y'all.
It starts as a story about Andy and Kathy, and ends as a story about us. )
Title: Waiting
Words: 2,012
Raiting: There are a couple of F-bombs. That's it.
Disclaimer: me no own
Pairing: Pfftt
Spoilers: All promos for S5, especially the most recent one.
Summary: I don't want to get detailed, because I know there are people out there avoiding all spoilers, but if you've seen THE PROMO TO END ALL PROMOS, then you should know what this is about.
So, what do you do? )
Title: Coffee Goes Without Saying
Words: 2,270
Raiting: T
Pairing: B/B (beavis/butthead...no, come on, you know what it is)
Spoilers: None, really
Disclamer: You're not going ot sue me, Fox. You thrive off of the free promotion of your product. You're not all Anne Rice about it. Don't start hating now.
Summary: (well known by now that I suck at these). B/B are having sex. They haven't told people. This is an attempt at hilarity and awkwardness by me. All dialogue. Go forth.
Read more... )
Title: Waking Up
Words: 4,290
Raiting: T
Pairing: B/B (I keep leaving that out, because you guys, we know what I'm going to be writing)
Disclaimer: Pfftt
Spoilers: Through the S4 finale.
Summary: Booth bounces back and forth between his dreams and reality, trying to find his way. ETA: inspired by a prompt from
0penhearts: "how Labworld!Booth and Brennan met."
Maybe it's because the idea of it makes him feel so happy. )
Title: They Weren't Themselves
Words: 1,019
Raiting: T
Spoilers: References to the undercover eps.
Disclaimer: Bite me.
Summary: B/B go undercover (of course they do), and dance (the song I envision them dancing to is "Bridge Over Troubled Water" as performed by Aretha Franklin. Because it's awesome. But you imagine whatever you like).
Read more... )
Title: It's Either Waiting or Talking
Words: 1,618
Raiting: K
Spoilers: Through the first promo for Season 5.
Disclaimer: If you sue, it'll make me blue.
Summary: Booth and Brennan have their first session with Sweets after Booth comes back.
Read more... )
Title: It's Always in the Car, Isn't It?
Words: 1,085
Raiting: K
Disclaimer: No money.
Spoilers: Inspired by the S5 promo that came out last week, and some of the spoilers I've read about Booth in Season 5.
Summary: They're in the car. Everything important always happens in the car.
Read more... )
Title: A Matter of Time
Pairing: Cam/Booth, B/B
Raiting: T
Disclaimer: I'm poor.
Spoilers: If you've seen season 2 through Epps, then you're good.
Summary: From
zerodetorres asking me to write a Cam/Booth story. I'm not sure this is what she wanted, but hey, you get what you pay for, kids. This is pretty much how they got together, and how they got not together. Again, I suck at summaries. And again, you get what you pay for.
A Matter of Time )
Title: It's Always Someone Talking
Raiting: I suck at raitings. I don't know; I'd let children read it, though I'm not sure they'd get all of it, and my mother let me watch whatever, and I think that I turned out fine. Teen, I guess?
Pairing: B/B (shocking kids, I know it)
Words: 3,039
Summary: inspired by
smile952 's prompt on my
first entry about the 10 Fics in 10 Days challenge. The prompt was "B/B secret dating." That ends up being sort of a subpart of this, but really, it's about the two of them falling into something with one another, then not dealing with it, then having to deal with it. A real suck summary, I know.
There's an alarm ringing, but it doesn't sound like his. )
There Was This Time I Was Taking the Bar Exam
The summer of 2009, for me, will always be The Summer I Took the Mississippi Bar Exam. I’m a lawyer now. I wasn’t then, and I’m telling you, trying to become one? Makes you want to shoot yourself or other people. I did some really strange writing during this period of time, and a lot of all-dialogue stuff, I think because I was spending so much time with books that I needed to find some way to make conversation.
Title: Proof (You Heard Me But You Just Didn't Understand Me/I Think That About You All Of The Time)
Raiting: PG-13 (Big Boy Bad Words and People Who Want To Have Sex With Each Other)
Word Count: 17,117
Spoiler warning: All of Season 4 is on the table. I've also been reading HH's Twitter, and I've gotta say, that's an influence.
Summary: Hair products, wayward dreams, faith v. belief v. knowledge, and trying to prove love to someone who doesn't know they already know what it is.
Read more... )
Title: 1+1=2
Words: 441
Raiting: Sesame Street
Disclaimer: I'd like to see you effing try to sue me.
Summary: We.
Adding things together is fun. )
Title: Things People Say at 3 a.m.
Words: 1,585
Disclaimer: I'm poor, ego, making me judgment proof. So you know what? Sue me. You're not getting anything. ANYTHING.
Raiting: T
Spoilers: If you've, like, seen the show ever, I think you're cool.
Summary: Booth and Brennan having a late night conversation about who should answer the baby monitor. So, in this story, they have a baby. A baby I made up, and at no point named, so, whatever. This is maybe the most fluffy mess I've ever written. It should come with Care Bears and cotton candy. Maybe pixi stix, I don't know. All dialogue (thus evidencing the need to talk to people eventually).
These people could fight over anything...and I love it. )
Title: Battling Evil (It Brings People Together)
Words: 780ish
Raiting: K
Disclaimer: I have not, nor will I ever own, anything.
Spoilers: None for Bones. None for HP, really, either. If you know both things exist, then you should be okay.
Summary: Booth and Brennan SO would have been on opposite sides of the question of who Hermione should be with. All dialogue (again - I think I'm acting out because all the studying means I do not actually get to talk to people).
Read more... )
Title: Getting Sweets to Sign the Thing
Words: 1,663
Raiting: T
Disclaimer: Sallie Mae owns me. I own nothing.
Spoiler Warning: Takes place in the timeline after events of S4, but nothing specific is mentioned. So, you know, go forth at your own peril.
Summary: Booth has to endure an interview with Sweets to be recleared for active duty. God bless the man. All dialogue.
Read more... )
Title: The Time of Day
Words: 3,484
Pairing: B/B
Disclaimer: I always forget these. I don't own Bones. I don't own a damn thing. Don't sue me.
Spoiler Warning: I've read the 5x01 sides, and that was in mind. What I read is not a vital part of my story, and if you haven't read them, well, you may not be able to guess what the spoiler is, but I don't know.
Summary: About hiding love away becoming a mechanical reflex.
Heart in a box, heart in a box. Sometimes you don't need locks to keep a heart in a box. )
Title: Celestial Navigation (for TWW fans out there)
Words: 1,882
Pairing: B/B
Spoilers: Through "Yanks in the UK"
Raiting: PG
Summary: I admit to the weirdness of this, and the fact that it may or may not be coherent. Just, you know, saying.
They always keep moving. )
Title: In the Middle
Words: 854
Pairing: B/B
Spoilers: Through "Pain in the Heart"
Raiting: PG
Summary: Zack and Booth, and the places they have gone.
Brain and heart sometimes feels more like brain v. heart. )
Title: No, I'm not good at titles, so I refuse. Again.
Raiting: K
Pairing: B/B (duh. though I might put up some ron/hermione soon, what with the joy of Half-Blood Prince on the horizon)
Words: 407
Summary: They have to do something with that plot about Brennan selling her book for a movie eventually, right? B/B talk casting. This convo has sort of rattled around in my brain for a while, so I finally just wrote it.
Can these people just do it already? Because I'm driving my boyfriend crazy by looking at every eye!sex scene and saying, )
Title: yeah, I don't have one. (Drabble)
Pairing: B/B (but really, it's sort of free writing, too, so it could just be, I don't know, the world)
Raiting: F-bombs and this could be interpreted as talking about sexy times, so, you know, be cool with that or not.
He's like a freight train.... )
Title: Accidentally on Purpose
Pairing: B/B (duh)
Raiting: PG (but I'm not a good raiter, just saying)
Words: 2,100 ish
Summary: Just a little something I wrote for distraction. Poetry? It ain't, but don't we all like to think about how Brennan has to know that kissing Booth isn't like kissing her brother? CAUSE IT'S NOT.
kissy kissy )
Title: Everything (happens eventually)
obrien_blue Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Spoilers: This grew out of spoiler speculation, so, in that sense, yes, there could be some.
Summary: "...together, there isn’t too much they can’t get away with."
Title: The Brothers in the Diner
Rating: T, for use of a couple of big boy words
Summary: Jared thinks his big brother could use a little push.
Spoilers: Nothing, really. If you saw "The Con Man in the Meth Lab," then you should be covered.
( Jared may have been out of the loop for a few years, between working for the military abroad and being drunk about half the time, but he wasn't blind. And he knew going on a date with Temperance would drive his brother crazy. )
Title: The Us in the Novel
Words: About 740
Rating: K
Summary: It's obvious that on Bones, in Brennan's novels, Andy=Booth, and Kathy=Bones. I resisted writing Bones fic for a while (I'm usually a Harry Potter girl with some serious Ron/Hermione love), but I couldn't resist it after "The Cinderella in the Cardboard," I couldn't help myself. So, here's an outtake from Brennan's upcoming novel (at least in my dreams).
The Us in the Novel )
Name: The Things You Say
Word Count: 173
Rating: If you can read, you're probably okay
The Things You Say )
I wrote some other stuff once, too
Title: Obtuse
Words: 1,045
Pairing: Josh/Donna (The West Wing)
Raiting: even the kiddies could read this
Spoilers: I've seen all seven seasons. If you haven't, I don't want you to be spoiled
Summary: A conversation between Josh and Donna, not too long after the series ender, "Tomorrow." This is all dialogue, and it starts with Josh.
Read more... )
Title: None of It Happened This Way
Pairing: Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
Rating: Mom approved
Spoilers: If you are a person who has not read all of Harry Potter, you probably just see me generally as a walking spoiler for the whole thing.
They have both wondered, sometimes, what would have happened if war had not been an issue. )
5x14: Brought to you by Bad Timing 5x13: Love: 1, Brennan: 0, Booth: OMFGWTFWINNA 5x12: The Best Episode of Bones that Ever Boned
5x11 - B/B Probe in the Desert
5x10: Booth's Naked. Yeah, I thought that'd get your attention. 5x09 - AVATAR! Brought to you by…AVATAR! (Drinking Game Edition) 5x08: So there was the time when my mom almost killed Booth's Pops. 5x07: THE ONE ABOUT BOOTH'S PENIS 5x06 - Giving that "winnerwinner, chicken dinner" cut scene new meaning Oct. 15th, 2009 - 5x05
I will be your hamlet of 800 people or less: Bones 5x04 commentary, now with mini!fic In which my 2 favorite characters come back for the funnin’ - 5x03
Dear Show, Will you go out with me? - 5x02
Do I Dazzle You? Because I Am The Law - 5x01 (the same day I found out I passed the bar)
Flashback Recaps
This is something I plan to expand on. Suggestions for past episodes to recap are welcome, because this shit is just fun.
Flashback Recap: The Man in the Fallout Shelter
FlashbackRecap: 1x15 - Fun With Kidnapping, Part I