Character's name: Vega Obscura
Character's LJ: obscura_prodigy
Character's canon: Zoids: New Century Zero
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:
Vega is a child prodigy when it comes to Zoids, giant mechanical animals used to fight for sport in his world. He has an instinctive understanding of motion and balance and a nearly supernatural ability to draw out the true potential of anything he pilots. He has an excellent sense of space and what he can and cannot do in it, and this could likely translate into martial arts if he were so inclined. This gift, however, is all raw instinct and reflex. Vega can't explain what he does or how he knows to do it, it just comes to him out of seemingly nowhere as he goes and trying to put it into words is very hard for him.
Zoids are Vega's greatest love and he wants nothing more than to fight in "good" battles. He likes to win and show off, but even if he loses he'll be impressed and probably geek out a bit. Beating him is a serious accomplishment, after all! But most importantly, Vega is a kid. He doesn't like being bossed around or treated like a little boy (He's ELEVEN now! Practically grown up! Really!) and is at that stage in his life where doing things for himself is very important to him. He's impatient and often bored, and hates sitting still. He's very playful and outgoing despite being very sheltered.
There isn't a malicious bone in Vega's body, he's competitive and enthusiastic but not mean spirited beyond a tendency to gloat and taunt. Fighting is just part of his GAME. It has no place outside the game. He might, say, destroy another Zoid and potentially fatally wound the pilot, but that's in a battle. It's not "real" to him. He would never, however, be one to put a gun to someone's head.
Vega doesn't know much fear. Battles are dangerous and his death is always a real possibility, but Vega has never felt threatened in a Zoid cockpit. He's naive and kind of innocent that way, his life hasn't been touched by death and he feels about as invincible as any kid that young.
Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:
Vega was born and raised on the planet Zi. Zi is home to massive mechanical animals called "Zoids" that can be piloted, and in modern times they are used to fight for sport. Vega is the son of unknown members of the Backdraft Group, a nefarious organization trying to overthrow the Zoid Battle Commission and cheat for profit.
Vega never knew his parents and was raised by the Backdraft's childcare services, with little individual attention or outside contact. Or at least, until he started showing promise in simulators. He was tentatively given some smaller Zoids to test run, and then when he blew all expectations out of the water the Backdraft put him in the fast lane toward becoming the best pilot within memory.
Vega entered and won battle after battle, tourney after tourney, frequently lying about his age to get in. He has never lost, earning the nickname "The King". It never bothered Vega that what the Backdraft did was wrong, so long as they didn't try to make his fights any easier. He was and is very sheltered and uninformed about what the Backdraft plans for him, but he is content in his ignorance and doesn't think to ask.
By now, Vega is mostly kept under the watchful eye of Sarah, a high ranking Backdraft member who also functions as his guardian (she may in fact be his real mother) and is one of the only people Vega will listen to. He has no friends or outside contact aside from his fights and the occasional free time he can get to go into town, but this doesn't seem to bother him.
The most important thing in his life was the recent discovery of the Berserk Fury. A massive tyrannosaur-like Zoid with the rare ability to fire an extremely destructive charged particle cannon, the Fury was uncovered in a Backdraft dig at the bottom of the sea. It is also an Ultimate X, one of only two known, with an "organoid system" that lets it think for itself and to learn new things from every battle it fights.
Vega was the only pilot it would accept, and the Berserk Fury was the most responsive, capable Zoid Vega had ever seen. The Fury is a truly vicious, dangerous Zoid without Vega's influence. It wants nothing more than to fight, and while Vega and the Backdraft are usually happy to oblige, occasionally its great battle rage can cause it to override Vega's control in a blind frenzy. Vega's condition is carefully monitored when he pilots the Fury in case something goes wrong, it is physically and mentally taxing for him and he doesn't realize how dangerous long term use can be.
At this moment Vega is gearing up for the Royal Cup, a grand competition held only once every four years. He is eagerly looking forward to the battles ahead of him and is SURE they're going to be AWESOME. Sure, the Backdraft high ups have some kind of "plans" or something, but he doesn't know much about it and isn't going to let it distract him from how much fun this is going to be!
Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):
Vega's a Zoid pilot per excellence, possibly one of the best there's ever been ever. He's also probably pretty good with anything else that requires driving or piloting, give him a few minutes at the controls and he can pick it up.
He's good at anything requiring fast reflexes, the ability to quickly recognize and remember patterns, and muscle memory, which covers a lot of territory as far as games go. He's really good at them, but is honestly a poor strategist when not in the middle of something. Vega's brilliance cannot be used on command, it only comes to him when he's actively in battle and not even he can explain how it happens. It just kind of... does. And that's okay with him.