Perfect Creature"Set during the 1960s in an alternate New Zealand known as Nuovo Zelandia, "Perfect Creature" imagines a world where vampires and humans peacefully co-exist, with the bloodsuckers the next step in human evolution. This delicate balance looks to be destroyed when an influenza epidemic begins to sweep the human population and one vampire turns to preying on humans. The church sends out Silus (Scott) to catch the renegade vampire, Edgar. Silus joins forces with a human police captain (Burrows), and discovers that Edgar harbors dark secrets."
Looks pretty interesting, I don't believe I have ever seen a movie where vampires and humans live together in harmony. The closest movie that I can think of was "Breed" with Adrian Paul, but it was awful. ;;~~
Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll "A haunted writer in an isolated castle is tormented by sleepless nights and visions of a girl named Alice. He finds himself becoming a symptom of his own invention. “Now all my nightmares know my name.” He is Lewis Carroll. Terrified of what waits for him each night."
Marilyn Manson is directing and playing Lewis Carroll?
Why does the music on this website sound awfully familiar?