My beautiful Kristi gave me these words to describe. So describe I shall.
Sparkly Shiny things:
My eyes always find shiny sparkly objects. I have found a ruby and diamond bracelet, and a loose garnet on the ground before (both in one day) just from the flash of the powers of sparkly. I love glitter, bubbles, anything that reflects light. It just kind of hypnotizes me and I go "ooooohhhh". I'm a geek that way. Shut up. ;) I also like to pet shiny sparkly things. They usually have interesting textures and feel nice (I like to pet most things regardless). I think it's like a part cat part faerie thing about me. Again, I'm weird..get over it.
In high school, I used to babysit my psych teacher's two kids. He had Brian Froud's "Faeries" book (as in the original first print addition). My boyfriend at the time ended up swiping it for me (and no, I did not ask him to). I never had the heart to give it back to my teacher. One, because I was ashamed that my boyfriend would have done that. And two, faerie stuff tends to be "borrowed" and "given/passed" in odd ways, so I just kind of figured it was my time to have it. Books and other things tend to be "left" to other people as they are needed. At least, I've had that happen many times where something of mine goes missing to someone else because it just seems like they need it. Anyways, that basically really kick started my obsession with faeries. I've always loved "Labryinth" and "Legend" and "Neverending Story" and it just fueled my passion for all things mystical. I'm actually quite a snob about my faeries though. I got so used to seeing the Froud types, and eventually Amy Brown..there are some depictions I've seen that I'm just now very fond of. My dear Sylkweb gave me an awesomelyyy kick ass faerie book for my birthday the other day!! I squeed soooo loudly in the restaurant. I loveee it I love it I love it! The very last page is a pop up and it makes this tinkling sound when you open it up. It's fabulous!!!
I just honestly believe that faeries exist (even though I've not seen too many). I got a photograph of one once. I swear, I really did. I need to scan that picture so I can show everyone. It was at my best friend from high school (Mandy's) wedding. Her and her husband and his two boys were standing there, and Brian (who consequently was my minister at my wedding) was looking away from the camera, and right by his head where he's looking, is a green faerie. It is the most amazing picture to me, and I feel so blessed that I was able to capture it on film. I have been told that I used to have faeries in my old apartment, and they loved playing on my large globe thingy (it's a globe that opens up to a bar thingy). I wish I got to see faeries more, but this world becomes so much more banal all the time, and I know I"m stuck in it pretty frequently, which makes it hard to see. So yeah, that's just part of my faerie obsession.
For a really really long time now, I squee. I dont' know when it started or why. But when I get really really excited about something, I squee really loudly (it's like my version of a battle cry or something?). My friend Mandy squeed for me at my wedding ceremony when we were pronounced man and wife. I think I was so giggly at the time, and said, "It's about time!", so I think that's the only reason why I didn't squee myself. But I"m sure I squeed many many other times throughout the day. It's just this thing I do. My sister thinks I'm nuts and says now that I"m 33 I should stop. You are never too old to squee is what I told her.
Sexy tattoos:
I loveeee my tattoos. I love tattoos in general. As long as they really mean something to the person that has them. I think it's retarded to go into a tat shop, look at some flash art on the wall, and go, I want the tasmanian devil on my butt! Unless of course you really reallyyy like the tasmanian devil. I have five tattoos, and I've designed pretty much all of them. The first one I got on my 21st birthday. (Chris was there!!! And Dagger if I remember correctly). We all went to Timeless Tattoos on Cheshire Bridge and I got the kanji for "spirit" on my neck, with three Japanese cherry blossoms for innocence, beauty, and perfection. My friends gathered around me as it was being done, and I practically fell asleep. Then we went out to a strip club and watched naked girls dance! It was awesome!
My second tattoo is on my right shoulder blade. It's a celtic pentagram with 5 cherry blossoms for the elements/senses.
My third and fourth tattoos I received in Chicago. Again, I came up with the designs myself. My right shoulder has a constellation of stars to remind me that we're all connected to one another and to everything in the universe. And on my left shoulder blade is a celtic triscillion for the holy trinity. I spent 5 hours in the chair after getting off a flight to Chicago, walking to the tat shop and pretty much not eating all day. I never complained until right before he told me he was done. The only thing I said was "ow." It was an amazing weekend and it was bitter cold. It was actually Halloween weekend if I remember correctly. I was visiting my Evil and getting tattooed by my friend Alex. He's an amazing artist.
My fifth tattoo I got this past November when Jeff and I were in Florida for a wedding. The wedding couple conceived on our honeymoon night. ;) They are both totally awesome people. So anyways, like the last day we were there, I went to a tat shop and got a moon and stars that's from the "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" album from the Smashing Pumpkins. I've always wanted a Pumpkin tattoo, so it's perfect for me. I'm going to get it on my left wrist as well so they'll be mirror images of one another.
I want to basically have my entire back done, and I need to get my left shoulder done so that I"m balanced. I have to be balanced with my tats. I don't like it when I have it on one side and not the other. so yeah, there's much work to be done, but I love it! Oh, and I have like 11 or 12 piercings as well, but I've had 15 total.
eheheheh. I'm technically like 1 or 2 inches away from being a "little person". I"m 5 feet flat. I'm the shortest in my family. My grandmother is 5'9" and used to be a model here in Atlanta. She actually did a Coke campaign back in the day. Which since Coke is based in Atlanta, that's pretty freakin sweet in my opinion. She was on billboards and such for it! So anyways, yeah, I"m a little shorty. I think it makes me look younger and makes me more cuddly. ;) My mantra is "Fear my midgety wrath!!" Which is kinda funny cuz my wrath is like pink fuzzy bunny slippers and a box full of kittens. I"m soooo not the wrath type. That and I say I'm a 7 foot Amazon woman trapped in a 5' tall body. I've always wondered what it would be like to be tall. So instead, I just hug all my tall friends and either get a face full of boobies (which totally fucking rawks!) or I'm dangerously close to trouser snakes (which just amuses me to no end). Either way, it's sometimes pretty fun to be short. Except when I can't fucking reach stuff because it's so high up! I hate asking for help getting stuff. Grr..but I've never really bought my own step stool. Someone always buys it for me. I've gotten very used to climbing up on counters to reach stuff. And I still think one of these days I should make a store that caters to short people. All the stuff will be at a level that us midgets can reach and it'll basically be empty space above eye level. Because honestly, half the time when I go into a clothing store or whatever, I never look up above me, so I miss out on all this cool stuff because I don't think to look up. Stupid I know.