Part 1 of Detroit concert pictures..
Okay..just because I'm not in the mood to write that all again, this is going to be short. Grr.
Tuesday night I went to bed and the last time I looked at the clock it was 2:17 am. And I got up at 4 am. Yeah. lol We left here at 6 am, and I slept clear to Indy (that's about an hour drive). I was awake through Indy, and then I fell asleep again until we got into Michigan. We stopped at McDonald's for lunch (MmM..Chicken Selects!), and yeah. We got to Auburn Hills (where our Hotel was) around 1-ish and couldn't check in until 3. So, we went to DTE to check it out, and I started to feel the excitement. Then we drove around Auburn Hills for a bit. Finally, we checked in, and I checked out the room. lmao I'm such a dork. I opened all the doors, all the drawers, and even wandered everywhere around the hotel. Yeah. Much to my disappointment, there was nothing there. Yep, nothing. Just a bunch of rooms. Oh wait, no. There was a laundry room. Woo. lol Then finally we got ready, and I meant to take a picture, but I forgot. And we left for DTE around 5-ish. We were suppose to meet up with Ashley beforehand, but that didn't work out. So, there's no super fun lj group picture, but maybe next time! :) And we stood in line. And stood. And stood. And stood. Then we got in. YaaaaY!! And I snuck in two disposible cameras (that's why the pictures aren't that great..but hey! They're pictures!! :p). Ask me how if you wanna. ;) And I got a shirt (I'll get a picture for ya later! :p). Then we sat in our seats, which were better than I thought they were, and read those silly text messages. It was interesting at first, but then it got old seeing the same ones over and over. Yuck! Then Kaci Brown came on stage. And I wished I was deaf, she was so horrible. The only perk was her semi-hot male back up dancer dude. I almost wish I had a picture of him, but oh well. Theeeen..
The Click Five! They were awesome! I gotta get their cd! WoO!
And then..
..our Boys!
YaY! They're so pretty!
I just can't resist it..
..they're so sexy..
..I gotta take pictures!
It's like an addiction!
He's so goofy...but HOT!
Silly Nick! Interupting Brian! He's lucky he's extremely atrractive! :D
And they're sooo..
..cute together!! Aww!
..guess who my fave is!
Just guess! ;)
Hahahhaha...just look at Kevin..just..lmao
And the rest of pictures will follow... :D