tsot feelings

Jan 06, 2014 13:58

tsot feels under the cut - spoilers for S03E02

you know the suicide thing? When Sholto says, "me and you are alike, Sherlock," and John gets out of the way? two things. first of all, what if Sholto loved John too, and he can see it in Sherlock, just the way Sherlock can see it in Sholto. Sherlock's seriously the last person to talk someone off a ledge, because suicide is so BORING (to him anyway) but he and Sholto connect, even though they haven't met, haven't spoken. Something about Sholto rings a bell in Sherlock's head.

John never spoke about Sholto to Sherlock because he'd know that John loved him. He spoke to Mary endlessly about Sholto because he didn't think mary would realise what it meant, but she clearly did (neither you nor I were the first, Sherlock).

Sherlock connects with Sholto, somehow, and he understands exactly how to talk Sholto off the edge. He says, we wouldn't do that to john. there's a proper time and place to die, and we both know that (how did Sholto know that about Sherlock?) but we wouldn't hurt john that way. Sholto agrees and then comes out. Right okay.

THEN in the evening, Sherlock leaves. If your best friend left your wedding early, you'd be sad. You'd be devastated. Sherlock has proven time and time again that he's not going to let John be hurt. (Don't you worry John, I'll get you out of here; Run, John!)

He'd not kill himself at John's wedding, because even though there's a time and place to die, he'd not hurt John for the world.

And still, he leaves, when objectively it would be the most painful thing to have your best man walk out on you. Why? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T THINK JOHN WILL MISS HIM.

He doesn't think anyone would care. he thinks they're going to dance the night away and it's going to be happy and lovely but he doesn't have a partner and clearly no one's paying any attention to him, so he leaves his gift for them, something from deep inside his heart, something he created, and leaves, because his job is done. they don't need him anymore. they'll not need him any time in the future (they have a baby on the way).

he leaves because he doesn't think it would hurt john. because john shouldn't care, anymore. (you mean, i'm your best friend?) no one's going to see him go; no one's going to come after him - ergo he's not an integral part of this anymore. not molly, not mrs. hudson, not lestrade, certainly not john or mary.

mary's the only one who said 'what about you?' and john shut her down. john's effectively (to sherlock) demonstrated that he's not john's concern anymore. so he leaves, because there's nothing more painful than being alone in a crowded room.

people are saying john didn't tell sherlock about sholto because he didn't trust him.

i don’t think so. i think if he’d spoken to sherlock about sholto, sherlock would have deduced something john didn’t think mary would notice. that he loved him. that the regard was more than respect.

that’s why sholto and sherlock understand each other. because they both love john. that’s why mary says we were not the first ones, to sherlock. we’re not the first ones john loved.

john underestimated mary, because he thought mary wouldn’t be able to see it. that he loved sholto. but mary’s bloody perceptive, we know this. so she noticed. and while sherlock is feeling offended that john didn’t tell him about his beloved ex-commander, and that he’s MORE antisocial than sherlock, mary’s realising that John has a type.

let me die now. 

i don't even know anymore, work, sherlock season3, i think i broke my brain, stuff, what is my life, true love, love?, this isn't a good sign, exaustion, nightmares, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangst, feeling old, emotional instability, fucking fuckity fuckery

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