Girls and Boys
Fandom: Young Americans
Song/Artist: Girls and Boys by Blur
Duration: 2:33 minutes
Summary: The most debauched summer of our lives.
Spoilers: whole series.
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Streets like a jungle, so call the police
Following the herd down to Greece - on holiday
Love in the nineties is paranoid
On sunny beaches, take your chances
Looking for
Girls who are boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls
Who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really love
Avoiding all work, cos there's none available
Like battery thinkers, count your thoughts
On one two three four five fingers
Nothing is wasted, only reproduced
You get nasty blisters
Du bist sehr schoen, but we haven't been introduced
A quick and dirty vid made in one day, for the main purpose of entering the Fan Forum Music Video Awards. I've had this idea for ages but kept putting it on the backburner for shinier shows - poor, old and very overlooked YA fandom! I feel like I owe it so much.
In the intro I tried to touch on every 'ship that I could think of, though some are obviously a lot harder to communicate than others. So the main body of the vid only addressed a few of the more popular ones. "Like battery thinkers… one two three four five fingers" was me unable to help yet another dig at Bella the Hussy.
This, believe it or not, is the absolute best quality source I could find. I choose to blame the interlacing problems on the source transfer from VHS to DVD, which I had nothing to do with. Poor old dodgy fandom. *huggles fandom*