Request for constructive criticism - vids

Jan 28, 2009 19:28

Please provide constructive criticism on my vids here.

I subscribe to the "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" school, unless expressly asked for concrit/beta. If other people are like me - and I strongly suspect that they are - then some people have criticism on my vids, but I don't know about it because those people are nice. Which I appreciate. ;)

I've decided not to participate in the Great Vidding Truth Meme this year. While I appreciate the concept, my reason for not participating in it is twofold:

1. I personally do not support anonymous feedback where people are shielded from taking personal responsibility for airing their opinions in public.

2. I notice that a lot of the feedback left tend to be positives only, which to my mind rather defeats the purpose of being truthful and candid in a setting designed primarily for critique.

Which is not to bag, just to say that I'll be doing my own thing over here. "My own thing" being opening this post to constructive criticism on any/some/all of my vids. Please be the opposite of anonymous (nonymous?), and please feel free to criticise with a sledgehammer, though I would appreciate it if you could make it constructive by suggesting alternative approaches, rather than a simple hit-and-run.

But hey, if you can't manage constructive, a hit-and-run is good too. At least it brings the issue to my attention.

Please please please let me have what I want. And what I want today is honesty - from people I know very well to people I've never spoken to before. If you care enough to provide concrit, I care enough to want it and appreciate it. I know (from the bloody remains of several of my beta-ees) that I can dish it; and if I can dish it, I bloody well better be able to take it too.

My vids on LJ
My vids on Imeem
My website


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