I recieved... THE dreaded CD yesterday. Yeah.
Okay, so today my mom and I went Christmas shopping for my brother at International Mall. One of our stops was Hot Topic. So we went in, got him a couple of CDs there, and then while we we were at the register, the girl put a sample CD in there. IMMEDIATELY I started to glare at her, knowing that it might be THAT CD.
And when I looked at it... yeah:
.... grrr.
So, in the middle of Hot Topic, I screamed: "NOOOOOOO!!!!" and started having a temper tantrum. My mom looked so panicked and the employees were like: O_________O;;;;; "Oh my gawth!" when I yelled: "THEY DON'T DESERVE DIR EN GREY!" I think I took it a little too far. I know it's good because it might mean more of an oppurtunity for Dir en grey to come to America, but... *tear* HOT TOPIC!?!?!
Don't get me wrong, I actually think Hot Topic is a pretty nifty store (ew, I hate the word nifty)... but... some of the people that walk in there. *puke*
How eventful!
This is almost as bad as when Child Prey was on MTV2.
I also saw L'arc~en~Ciel's Live In America DVD in Sam Goody. LAKALSKJ.