This survey I stole from Daggy-chan only has 100 questions! Bwahahaha?
1. Spell your first name backwards- yesdnil or Ibo >.>;
2. The story behind your username- one day, I saw this awesome rock in science, and the one person in the class who i couldn't stand, told methat it was called... *pause* obsidian. and obi cam from that 4328 are th numbers of my adress a longish time ago o.o;
3. Where do you live? Neew Mexico
4. Your words that sum you up-
5. Wallet- obi no gots one x.x
6. Jeweley worn daily- sometimes i wear a necklace... different ones...
7. Coffee cup- i don't drink coffee... i do have a mug though! My name's on it, and a poem!
To a flood of troubles
a definate highland
to a friend in need
a welcome island
Wow... I'm suprised i still remember that o.o;
9. Cologne/perfume- uh... none
10. CD in stereo right now- Evenescence-Fallen, Linkin Park-Hybrid Theory, and Trapt... i think it's self titled ^^
11. Clothes that you're wearing now- black pants, green t-shirt...
12. Some of your favorite movies- LoTR: Return of the King, and Butterfly Effct!!
13. Something you're looking forward to in the next couple of months- my next email from isaiah? possibly getting whatever he bought me and seeing him? OH! seeing my friends at school! I'm also looking foreward to hating school... >=\
14. The last thing you ate- pigs in a blanket and macaroni and cheese ^^ aka dinner
15. Something that you are deathly afraid of- spiders o.o;
16. Believe in love?- Yes.
17. Believe in soul mates?- dunno o.O
18. Believe in love at first sight?- i believe in like at first sight
19. Believe in forgiveness?- Yes
20. Smoke?- No
21. Do drugs?- Nopers!
22. Sleep with stuffed animals?- not anymore
23. Read the newspaper?- sometimes i read the funnys... but i dun get 'em, so only at other people's houses >.>;
24. Believe in miracles?- not really x.x
25. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?- yes
26. Like the taste of alcohol?- no T_T
27. Believe in God?- Yes.
28. Have any secrets?- duh!
29. Have any pets?- two kitties! Palin(Paypay) and Jasmine
30. Go or plan to go to college?- yesh
31. Have any piercings?- one in each ear
32. Have any tattoos?- nope
33. Hate yourself?- no
34. Trust others easily?- usually
35. Like sarcasm?- *sarcastically* no
36. Like to take walks in the rain?- yes ^^
37. Have any scars?- only from my cat... *glares at paypay*
38. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would you pick?- i know u gotta have a special liscense, but... a wolf ^^
39. What are 3 places you wouldn't mind going to?- Japan, Six Flags, and Konoha >.>;
40. What's something you wish you could understand better?- Japanese >.>;
41. Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?- yes! Derek, Elizabeth, Krystal, Steven, Bobby, Janet, Jeremy, Ceasar, Kayla, Maria *continues on a LONG tim*
42. Are you sarcastic- *sarcastically* no
43. Last thing you read- uh... some book on my summer reading list x.x the one before the one i'm reading now...
44. Best book you've read- DRAGONLANCE! okay, more than one book, but they're all so.... awesome!
45. Last movie you saw on the big screen- Shrek 2 ^^ soon to be Spiderman 2
46. Your favorite moment- sitting in the chair with Isaiah? >.>;
47. Things that most people don't know about you- I've been front row at Styx concerts. yes, that's plural.
48. What you think is the biggest turn on- Physical- cute face w/ nice eyes ^^
Nonphysical- peronality... a funny personality ^^
49. What you think is the biggest turn off- Physical- bad smell
Nonphysical- jerks -.-
50. Last phone number you called- wow... uh... er... i dunno
51. Last show you watched on TV- Yu-Gi-Oh >.>; I was bored... I didn't even watch the whole ep *sweatdrop*
52. Last song you heard- Evenescence- My Immortal
53. Last thing you had to drink- water... *drinks some more water* mm... tastelessness
When's the Last time you:
54. Cried- a week or two ago... when i couldn't sleep x.x That's sad... I cry when I'm unable to sleep in the morning. Don't worry though, I ate some mac and cheese then got to sleep just fine... two hours after being woken up -.-
55. Bought something- I think the last thing I bought for myself was manga...
56. Gotten sick- uh... th last time i got sick was... the last time i was sick
57. Sang- earlier today when i heard "Vindicated" on MTV2 >.>;
58. Ate- dinner o.o;
59. Felt stupid- uh... isn't that constant? >.>; sorry. I dunno o.O
60. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't- how's about i liked them?
61. Met someone new- today! though technically i didn't really meet them, just said a few words and got a shot..
62. Moved on- uh...
63. Talked to an ex- the last time justin called
64. Missed an ex- when he didn't wanna be friend anymore x.x
65. Talked to someone you have a crush on- irl: lonely mountain icl: the other day replying to isaiah's email
66. Had a serious talk- er... what's a "serious talk"?
67. Missed someone- just now, thinkging about isaiah and all the friends i dun live near anymore x.x stupid survey
68. Hugged someone- yesterday
69. Fought with your parents- erm... *thinks* have i ever fought with my parents?
70. Dreamed about someone you can't be with- all the time, as long as you count fictional characters *peace* even if i dun wanna be with them i might dream about 'em o.o;
71. Boyfriend/Girlfriend?- i'm single
72. Hobbies- anime, manga, drawing, internet, reading, fanfiction, online quizes, lj, talking, soon to be homework x.x
73. You the center of attention or the wallflower?- wallflower >.>;
74. What type of automobile do you wish to drive?- one with both a working radio and AC... and heating
75. Would you rather be with friends or with a date?- depends on the date
76. Where is the best hangout?- someplace big enough?
77. Do you have a job?- Nope
78. Do you attend church?- No
79. Do you like being around people?- if i like the people
80. Have you known the longest?- my mom and myself!
81. Do you argue the most with?- fun: Dag Serious-pissed-off-argument: Izzy -.-
82. Do you always get along with?- er... my stuffed animals and beanie babies! >.>: *bounces aroud as though i were wearing pink and in a feild of flowers*
83. Is the trustworthiest?- i dunno...
84. Makes you laugh the most?- do you really want me to list almost everyone i know?
85. Has been there through all the hard times?- me and coacoa(bear)?
86. Have the coolest parents?- ME! Rock concerts and SCA! YEA! ^___^
87. Has the coolest siblings?- >.>; My friend Krysten, her bro is hot... and an artist... and... who can tell i used to have a crush on him? hey... he's isaiah's age...
88. Is the most blunt?- Izzy -.- and in a bad way
89. Is the smartest?- Chelsea ^^;
90. Who is your role model?- er... I don't have one o.o;
91. Have you ever liked someone you never had a chance with?- yes... almost every time i had a crush... but now, Isaiah might be a possibility! Yea! ^^
92. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?- erm... only my Dad
93. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?- cute funny guys usually ^^
94. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?- yes... don't tell them
95. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you- yes -.-
96. Rather dump someone or be dumped?- uh... depends on the someone?
97. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"?- relationship!
98. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?- >.>; yes
99. Do you want to get married?- eventually ^^
100. Do you want kids?- even after the other eventually
101. Do you believe in physics?- eh?
102. What is your favorite part about your physical appearance?- my eyes! They purty!
103 Are you happy with you?- me: so, me, am i happy with you? me: sure!
104. Are you happy with your life?- yea ^_^
105. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be- age diff between me and isaiah x.x
106. Regret- not telling him how i feel while at the same time being glad i didn't?
107. Wish- to be with isaiah!
108. Love- er...
109. Hate- er...
110. Miss- my best friends x.x
111. Fear- rejection and spiders and public speaking and that one day, there will be a bug n the porta-potty at an event x.x
112. See- right now? my comp screen >.>;
113. Think- too much... and a lot about Sasuke, school, and isaiah
114. Hear- stuff...
115. Search- online?
116. Smile- ^___^
117. Cry- loss...
I have rediscoevered my Evenescence CD, and that music videos are occasionally played on music stations on TV!!!!!
My stupid school didn't bother sending out the notices that to register, people needed shots -.-
So, instead of registering today, when i was supposed to, I got a shot! and I'll be registering tomarrow... and getting up even earlier than today!
I hate my school. The students are great... but everything else, SUCKS!
Sandia High School deserves to be beaten to the ground, and force fed... SPINACH AND HUMAN WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glares*
And... it feels weird to be a Sophomore... going into Highschool felt perfectly normal, but being an upperclassmen feels... weird...
Izzat normal or is there something wrong with me?