Um I'd like to offer thanks to people who are nice. One of my journalism classes is full of the most helpful students in the world, but I won't mention specifics as not to leave any incriminating evidence against the people helping my quest for world domination.
it's not like something good could happen.. that would be too much to ask i guess.. twisting and turning, your feelings are burning... think you're so clever, but now you must sever.. he loves no one else...
note to readers, brent over-did-it once again, he's paralyzed safely in a corner now. it is(was) 4:19 AM and none of the previously mentionned sleep has been caught up on.. until now..
i hear strange noises poisonning the already littered hallways. the eerie things that rest out of eyesight, the things in life we know nothing about.. goodnight my