Title: The Moon Is New
Pairings: Jared/Jensen, Misha Collins/Matt Cohen, references to past Jensen/Misha.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 56,000
Artist: The lovely
inanna_maat. Thank you so much for your hard work on this, hon; you were a joy to work with. ♥
Summary: Jensen Ackles is a lone wolf. Ten years out of Texas, he's made a name for himself - in certain circles - rum-running in Prohibition-era New York, leaving the city for long stretches when his boss requires it. Jensen doesn't see the appeal in serious relationships, not even now that Misha's broken off their no-strings affair to play house with Matt, his handsome new club pianist. Jensen's pretty sure he doesn't need anybody -- at least until the moment he comes back after a long trip to find a new face in Misha's bar, some stray newsboy Misha took in off the streets. Jensen has no intention of letting this Jared kid change him -- but he's unprepared for finding in Jared a person who makes him want to change himself.
Warnings: Underage sex (Jared is 17). Schmoop.
Acknowledgements: This fic is for
_mournthewicked. In the first place, it's a belated birthday present: happy birthday, Carly. :) ♥ In the second place, it's something that would never have existed without Carly's input. I started this fic at her urgings, and it was her enthusiastic encouragement and loving abuse that made me keep at it to the end. So thank you, Carly, for helping me create these incarnations of the boys and the world they live in; thank you for the chats and tweets and emails that kept me on track; thank you, in short, for being a truly phenomenal alpha-reader in all the ways. I hope that this fic captures at least a little of what we were going for, and I hope you know how much it and I owe to you. You are wonderful and here is my 56,000 word billet-doux. ♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks also to
nanoochka for running a characteristically thorough beta at short notice -- all remaining semicolons are entirely my own fault. ;) And thank you,
dizzzylu, for proofing this for me, too; your suggestions helped (and reassured!) me immensely.
part one .
part two .
part three .
part four .
part five .
part six .
art .
NB: This story is in the same 'verse as
The Theory of Relativity, 4k of Matt/Misha I wrote back in April. Technically this is a sequel to that, but really Relativity was always intended as a prequel to The Moon Is New, which was already in the works at the time. You absolutely do not need to have read Relativity to read this, but I felt I should make the connection explicit. :) Likewise,
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes is a very early J2 sketch in this 'verse, which I suppose is now technically a timestamp. :)