Me and my parents and marisa went out to see the car today and to see the crash site. It was really intense; scared me a lot.
We took a lot of picture of the car. Here is 37 pictures, all taken today. I took the liberty of cutting them for you guys.
These first 32 pictures are all of the car. A lot of them are similar, but i just tried to get an accurate representation of what the car looks like now. (Just bare in mind that after the car stopped moving, it was standing straight up on its side with the driver's side against the ground. I crawled out of the driver's window (as hard as that is to believe)
Me and Marisa decided this the quintessential photo to embody the whole experience. The car is crushed, Marisa is just kinda like
"look at that..." And i'm looking very sad and depressed at the loss of my car. And it's raining which makes me look even more pathetic. I look rather emo in this picture... heh.
That's all i have of the car. We have no official word, but it's basically totaled. The following 3 photos embody the whole of my injuries.
This bruise (contusion as the doctor called it) constitutes the main injury i recieved. We guess that when the roof got crushed in, it hit me on the side of the head because i was ducking. We think that is why this bruise is here.
These are just various superficial cuts and scratches on my arm. Mostly from the broken glass of the Driver's window. Clearly, it's nothing major.
This bandaid is a representation of the quality of FMH's work. This is essentially the only thing they did to me haha. They took x-rays and catscans and all that, but ultimately, after deciding i was mostly okay, they gave me some vicodin and a bandaid on my foot.
Other than those 3 "problem spots", i have a bump on the top of my head, a sore neck, and a couple scrapes on my left calf. That's all. Talk about lucky...
On a somewhat lighter note, I got to see my brother's cool new car today. He even let me drive it for a bit. Here is a picture of me behind the wheel. The fact that driving this thing excites me makes me worthy of the title on the door. haha. I felt bad for Marisa when i was driving her, because she was surely realizing how big of a dork she's dating haha.
Just to reiterate guys, i'm completely okay. Don't worry about me. Mostly, i'm just a little sore and fairly rattled. Overall, i'm fine. Right now, i'm more scared than anything else. I even got practically all my stuff back from the car today. We got my dirty clothes, my fire extinguisher, my mag light, my UMD parking permit, last years WHS parking permit, my Terp back pillow, my mmhmm cd that i was listening to when the wreck happened (maybe god saw my christian rock and took pity on me, who knows). I even got the dashboard confessional cd i just bought for marisa back. And some papers and stuff. And i even got the cord back from my old sub woofers. No worries though everyone. Your poor KC is short a car, but nothing else. I appreciate all your concerns and your prayers though. Thanks everyone.