So I've been moderately unimpressed with the direction the show has taken over the past couple seasons, but I was kind of enjoying this episode (except, you know, for Dean being bitchy and Sam being sad boat). But then. KRIPKE WHY DO YOU BREAK MY HEART.
The primary reason I watch SPN, I've found, is for the brothers. And now, WHY. Why would you do this to me?? Why would Dean let Sam LEAVE?? It kills me. I already know 2 people who've bailed on this show, and honestly I'm tempted to do the same. But I'm not gonna. Perseverance.
Though I might just jump through the TV and smash Dean's pretty face in.
Oh and I forgot to do this last week, but here's the points I got from
The Game. AKA the list of stuff that might happen in S5 of SPN that me and
grypsis made to entertain ourselves. I really need to add stuff to that bitch.
5x1: 6 pts.
Lucifer is hot (At least, I think so)
Lucifer is a chick (does it count that he took the form of one for most of the episode?)
Chuck comes back
Dean has a flaming sword/ there is a flaming sword (it counts that Dean is the flaming sword, y/n?)
Someone “calls in some favors” (I think Castiel did, otherwise how would he still be Misha Collins? I'll remove this point if it turns out to be wrong, but I don't think they're gonna explain it)
The activity of demons and angels puts the terrorist threat level at Red: Severe
5x2: 6.5 pts.
They bring back Jo for some Jo/Dean (I'm gonna call that 1/2 point for now)
One of them hallucinates (bonus if it’s Sean McNamara style)
Dean still guilt trips Sam
Rufus comes back
They bring back Ellen
Sam gets choked
Sam gets kidnapped and Dean has to save him
TOTAL: 12.5 pts.