vampire knight picspam

Jul 09, 2010 20:12

I posted this at my personal lj ages ago when I first watched the Vampire Knight anime (I watched the first season of the anime before beginning to read the manga) and I figured I may as well cross-post it here even though it is old it's anime stuff ;)
And yes, I am pro-Zeki - no offence to Yume shippers, I think Kaname/Yuuki have their moments, but I prefer Zero/Yuuki...


This is Yuuki Cross. She has a hard life. Not only is she bad at making chocolates she also...

...has guy problems...

...and girl problems...

...the problem being, they want to eat her.

Her best friend is the angsty and emo Zero Kiryu. He likes guns, and also thinks Yuuki is yummy.

Friends since their childhood, their connection is...


...and meaningful...

...a thing of beauty really.

They enjoy leaning against trees...

...and hugging...

...and more hugging...

It's a favorite activity of theirs really. Zero likes it almost as much as pulling out his gun.

They also share a bathroom, but we don't need to go into that do we?

by the end of the first season it will be obvious...

that Yuuki's true love is Kaname Kuran.


vampire knight, zero/yuuki, picspam

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