Sep 03, 2011 10:46
Hello, writers! How goes the writing?
Remember, the story you turn in on September 4 will be a rough draft. You will have time to revise and edit it before it goes live starting October 1. Don't stress too much over this. The only people who will read it will be your artist and your beta.
At this point, we'd like you to start submitting summaries for your story. Not the quick teasers you see a lot of times, but something that tells us who the story is about and what the story is. This way we can go ahead and create a list for the artists to start choosing from.
Your summary needs to include:
Type: (het or slash or gen)
Pairing (if any):
Main Original Character(s) and Her/His Face(s):
Summary of about 3 to 5 lines telling us what the story is about.
If there's any other information I need to add, let me know. And please have these in by September 3.
E-mail your summaries to
Thank you, guys!