"Donkey"- deux

Dec 05, 2009 17:23

Okay, it's 189 words, but I already managed one with 100.

And this needed to be written. Really.

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donkey deux, 100 word challenge

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Comments 11

60schic December 6 2009, 05:52:34 UTC
I should stick to my "No-reading-until-I-post" rule since the only thought in my mind is the Donkey/Ass thing..........


oc_gambit2 December 7 2009, 04:55:07 UTC
It IS the obvious choice, with 'Unca Seff' around....*hee*


beachtree December 6 2009, 07:42:47 UTC
Doesn't seem like all kids are drawn to the nativity set- and just love to play with it? It must be the animals and "action figures." Okay, so they're not the typical action figures...

It would figure that any child of Ryan's would be perceptive and inquisitive (and Lindsay in the mix would add to the propensity for curiosity- and account for any kind of rambling). He has the advantage of being able to speak freely, and have adults to ask questions of. What a difference a generation makes!

As for the nicknames, they fit. Honesty is the best policy with kids, and I'm sure he figured it out on his own, even if he had his own way of putting it. "Daddy says," but Jamie knows!


oc_gambit2 December 7 2009, 05:05:40 UTC
"...they're not the typical action figures..." But such significant ones! I must wonder if the tradition of the creche didn't develop partly as a teaching tool for the kiddies.

We can only imagine- and I frequently do!- how meaningful it would be for Ryan to nurture his own children with so much of what he himself missed.


beachtree December 7 2009, 07:52:11 UTC
Definitely significant ( ... )


ryanforever December 6 2009, 21:54:05 UTC
VERY cute. It's easy to imagine an offspring of Ryan & Lindsay could be talkative and inquisitive and it appears this one is both. They could have their hands full in the years to come.


oc_gambit2 December 7 2009, 05:16:40 UTC
"They could have their hands full in the years to come." LOL. I expect that Ryan, had he been raised in a nurturing home, would likely have had all the occasionally....challenging....aspects of a gifted child! : D


fifimom December 7 2009, 02:38:11 UTC
you've got me smiling and laughing after a difficult day. thanks.


oc_gambit2 December 7 2009, 05:17:13 UTC
Aw, glad to help- you're welcome!


fredsmith518 December 7 2009, 20:45:14 UTC
most fun, lovely kidspeak and even better kidlogic:)


oc_gambit2 December 9 2009, 03:55:22 UTC
Hey, thanks fred! Just more evidence I never grew up....

And- nice to 'see' you! *hugs*


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