Happy, giddy, joyful "Return of Southland" Day!

Jan 04, 2011 15:11

That is all.

[well, except, is there a 10-code for that?  LOL!]

southland premier

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Comments 10

nightrider101 January 5 2011, 00:10:14 UTC

I admit I haven't watched it yet, but I'm happy because you're happy! :D


oc_gambit2 January 5 2011, 01:54:09 UTC
aw, thanks! I'm not nearly as far into the boards, fic, etc. as many Ben fans, as I still am quite happy in my OC snowglobe and catching up on other fandoms....but I do enjoy it. Nooooo, not just for Ben! *smirk* It seems well-crafted, and for me to enjoy a cop show? [ ! ] Yes, that's a rarity! *waves*


nightrider101 January 5 2011, 02:38:02 UTC
It sounds like a good show! I imagine the first season DVDs are available. Netflix here I come!

*waves back*


oc_gambit2 January 5 2011, 02:41:29 UTC
S1 DVD's? *nods* Have been out quite a while.

*eagerly awaiting S2 for better quality than the tapes I made*


indigorayne January 5 2011, 02:36:59 UTC
24 minutes and counting!


oc_gambit2 January 5 2011, 02:42:10 UTC
I'm two hrs. behind you- so best get offline so I'm not 'spoiled'. ; D


marsalka January 5 2011, 03:25:32 UTC
yay!!! I am watching right NOW :)


sarak14 January 5 2011, 03:49:03 UTC
Woo hoo!!!!


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