Name: Sheryl
Age: Fifteen
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Does Your Sign Suit Your Personality? Kind of...I am hardworking and ambitious, but I'm not as stiff and formal as the sign suggests. I'm not uptight at all.
Describe Your Personality In Six Adjectives: Girly - Childish - Intelligent - Dreamy - Polite - Witty
Your Hobbies: Anything that has to do with the computer (making icons/layouts), reading, writing (poetry/fiction), singing, dancing, joining/running clubs and communities.
Your Skills: I guess you could say my brains count as a strength. I'm also very easy to get along with. I'm also somewhat of a leader - I can take charge of things when no one else will and everything will turn out alright.
Your Weaknesses: I'm physically very weak. I'm also a bit of a pushover and easily blinded by love.
What Most People Like About You: I get that I'm so nice a lot of the time and that I'm funny. I think they just want to copy my answer on last night's homework, though. ;P
Your Favorite Memory: My first kiss. It was really sweet and simple - kind of wacky - but still utterly perfect.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why: At the risk of sounding selfish, I'll say Christmas because of all the presents! But I do love to get other people presents, so don't accuse me!
Do you think things through or act on impulse? Think things through. X_x; Impulse decisions don't work with me...
Your Favorite Quote: "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
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