It's finally all settled and now all I have to do is actually show up for the wedding. One of my cousins owled me and warned me to learn a color-blind jinx before I left for Paris. Anyone familiar with that particular curse and its counter-curse?
Private to Mandy )
Comments 7
There are several:
"Achromatopsus"- you can only see black white and grey.
"Protanopus" - that would be the variety with which you can't see red but green and blue.
These are the common medical ones. You should let Madame Pompfrey cast them.
The more popular and simple one is the "non video colores" but you need to cast that one every hour while the others are longer lasting.
I'm not going to leave you high and dry now, the logistics alone of finding another date would be horrible.
Thanks, I owe you big.
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