We were brought up to believe that our £5, or even our £100, won't make any difference to the world's unfairness. However, this argument is fundamentally flawed: it doesn't matter what happens in the world. We get one roll of the dice, and what we experience is far more related to our decisions than what's going on in the rest of the world. Besides, try telling that kid who got beat up every other day for the last 5 years that your £100 didn't make a difference to his world. This life isn't about what everyone else does: it's about what you do.
Context: I was recently offered a 'gift' to cover me, by someone who is a lot more comfortable financially than me. I made a mistake, because I've not had a landline or broadband for so long I totally forgot they'd be taking £122 out this month (re-activating phone line), and bought myself a new
raincoat for Colombia. I declined, because I realised a) it's my own stupid fault, and b) there are plenty of others out there who need charitable moneys more than I do! So, I got it on a loan instead. Then I realised much the same about most of the other things I've ever been given - I'd much rather create potential in the world with that money, than destroy it by lining the pockets of those who designed the shit (let's not pull our punches) and sold it extortionately to those looking to buy a nice gift for someone. So, on with life, ideals, and who said they're unrealistic? There are thousands of causes, each one fought for by people who _do_ live by those ideals and have fantastic lives. Western society teaches us to line the pockets of the rich. I say screw you.
Over and out.