* Does or did the character have any role models?
Ukitake’s father was definitely a standard he put to himself, in his early childhood. That aside, I suppose…Yamamoto was, too…in his own special way…
* Does the character have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend? If so, has the character ever met them?
Not as far as I’m aware?
* Did the character ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?
Nope. He didn’t put that much purchase in them - Ukitake had a pretty good balance of common sense in his youth (pride issues aside) and so, to him, his role models were more a standard and model to take notes from, as opposed to figures deserving of outright devotion and mimicry.
* Does the character have any dreams or ambitions?
here: Mental and Emotional)) Apart from this, though…no, not. Really?
* If not, why?
HE IS AN OLD MAN THAT IS NOW SLOWLY APPROACHING THE LEADING END PORTION OF HIS LIFE, unlike all you insecure teenage protagonists out there 8| 8| He’s accomplished pretty much everything he’s wanted to, in the two thousand years he’s had at his disposal. At this point Ukitake’s just riding out what he has left, and making some good friends and lasting memories to take with him when the ending finally comes.
Although promoting general world peace in the meantime isn’t a half-bad idea, admittedly…
* What is the character’s short term goals (what would the character like to be doing within a year)?
Help as best he can to resolve this whole Aizen fiasco going down >>;
* What is your character’s long term goals (what would the character like to be doing twenty years from now)?
Outlast his illness as long as he can (and has been already,) and live out the rest of his life with friends in some relative peace.
* If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with the character’s dreams, how does the character reconcile the differences?
Eh, they’re not really that far-placed from each other. No more Aizen = no more legit serious threats to Soul Society, which = stability once again all around. It’s not that hard an equation to figure out, people :|
* How does the character seek to fulfill these dreams, goals, & ambitions?
Somehow at least insure that Aizen goes to Hell (both rhetorically and literally, it would seem :U). And then…uh…stay healthy and watch over those around him…?
* Does the character have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them?
Well, Ukitake’s been alive for so long that he’s actually outgrown most of the phobias he might have used to have; for example, he used to have an intense fear of drowning when he was a child, invoked when one of his brothers accidentally pushed him into a rather deep koi pond at the Ugendo estate.
Apart from this, however, he is still afraid of a couple of things to this day; one of them is the wrath of Unohana Retsu, and the other is a scenario in which he actually outlives Kyouraku, instead of things being the other way around.
The reason for Unohana is…well. …Who isn’t afraid of her…? .___. On the other hand, the thought of outliving Kyouraku is all kinds of serious unsettlement, for Ukitake. He’s roughly two thousand years old, yes - and, in those two thousand years, a lot of younger and haler companions have passed on before him. This is difficult enough to deal with in and of itself; however, for Ukitake, it’s amplified tenfold by the fact that he’s the one that really ought to be dying prematurely, all facts considered.
It’s not as if he can’t handle it or feels survival’s guilt over the matter, because Ukitake’s long since overcome both of those notions, and made peace with them. However, the fact still remains that, out of all those companions, Kyouraku’s been the only one to survive right on along with him from the beginning - and, really, the chances of Kyouraku living a far longer natural life than Ukitake are a hella lot better. It’s an idea that Ukitake’s come to accepted with something akin to nigh-wholehearted relief…and quite honestly, he’s not entirely sure what he’d do, if Kyouraku were to end up dying before him somehow, instead.
There’s no fairness in the young perishing while the old linger. And there’s certainly no fairness in the possibility that the man with the better chance at a longer life would be the first struck down, in a pair.
* What, if anything, would it take for the character to be able to overcome this?
Sogyo no Kotowari helped him out of the drowning phobia like nobody else could have.
Aversion to Unohana’s wrath is more of an instinctual thing for self-preservation, really; the sort that probably ought not to be overcome for one’s own physical safety, as Ukitake knows full well.
But the most crippling fear of the lot of them - concerning Kyouraku - is probably…never really going to leave Ukitake. It’s a sort of meta-anxiety that can’t really be dispelled or waylaid, so the best he can do in the meantime is keep an eye on Kyouraku’s back, and do his level best to prevent such a scenario from occurring in the first place. The only way he could really be free of it is if he dies before Kyouraku himself, because…yeah. :(
* How does the character react when this fear manifests itself?
Unohana? Well, if it becomes evident that he’s dancing on the line of making her angry, and he realizes this fact too late, there’s lots of furtive laughing and hand-waving and subject-changing and general acute semi-terrified nervousness like whoa (with or without the ttly helpful equally-terrified accompaniment of Kyouraku >____>) If she’s actively legit angry at that moment, though? Uh. ……………Run for his life??? Or at least very very seriously consider it 8|;;
The thing with Kyouraku has yet to manifest, very fortunately - and Ukitake hopes to whatever higher power up there that it never ever does. But, if it did…it would probably be one of the few things out there that would honest-to-goodness break him, and keep him broken for some time, if there were a chance of him recovering from the advent in the first place. Life just…wouldn’t be the same without that man.
* Is the character willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?
Sure, he’ll openly admit to careful footing around Unohana - and strongly advise others to do the same - as long as the woman herself isn’t within immediate hearing vicinity or anything like that /o/ Outliving Kyouraku…not so much. I don’t think Ukitake’s ever openly confided in anyone about this, actually - and it would take some motivation indeed for him to finally outright verbally confirm it.
* What is the character’s attitudes regarding material wealth?
Always a good thing to have, but certainly not a necessity. He personally makes sure to at least have enough to be able to lend to friends in need, at any time.
* Is the character miserly with his/her share of the wealth, or does he/she spend it freely?
In the middle. Ukitake’s not as stingy as a miser, no, but he’s definitely not one to outright waste money, either. He’s pretty savvy when it comes to monetary affairs in general - when you’re the nigh-sole supporter of your entire family for the last couple thousand years, it kind of…comes with the territory.
* Is the character greedy or generous?
* Does the character see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?
Means to an end, pretty much. It’s the last thing he’d be judging a stranger by - never mind the fact that he’s technically of minor nobility himself.
* How does the character generally treat others?
WITH OPEN FRIENDLINESS. …Oh my god so much friendliness. ;; You’d be hard put to have him be anything other than amiable towards you in general conversation, really.
* Does the character trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?
Yeeeeah, he. Trusts very easily. Almost too much, perhaps - but that’s just part of Ukitake’s empathy problem. :\; As a general rule, he’ll assume the best of any complete stranger he meets upfront, unless there’s evidence to have him react otherwise.
* Is the character introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?
Definitely extroverted XD
* Is the character a humble soul or blusteringly proud?
Uh…well, with Ukitake it’s kind of. Both, actually. He’s proud as a general rule - of himself, his abilities, and his dignity, and it’s a pride that runs very deep and strong - but he doesn’t go completely out of his way to show it, necessarily, because by his philosophy he shouldn’t have to, if he’s projecting it right and properly. In that sense Ukitake could also mostly qualify as humble, in a way: you’d never be able to figure he’s got any sort of fighting ability normally, by the way he goes about his business and conversations - let alone being one of the most powerful in his class >__>
* Does the character act differently than he/she feels (concealing his/her true thoughts)?
Most of the time all that happy derpiness is pretty genuine, actually. Sure, he’s as prone as anyone to hiding feelings at times, usually at a friend’s expense, but that doesn’t crop up too terribly often - by default Ukitake is a pretty open man.
* What habits would the character find most annoying in friends?
Ukitake is an amazingly tolerant man, so with casual companions and acquaintances he’s hard-put to get annoyed at most things they do, really. Sure, he might start frowning if they’re the hot-blooded sort that’s always ~*leaping into the thick of danger*~ with complete abandon for their own personal safety - and then brushing off whatever srs injuries they end up getting from the fiasco when clearly they’re in need of SOME ASSISTANCE 8|| But Ukitake’s been around for so long that he’s kind of gotten acclimated to the typical shounen retard’s mindframe, and does his best to roll with it when he encounters it…because really, it’s not like the poor lads can help themselves, bless their fiery hearts.
Kyouraku, on the other hand, is his bff of ultimate bffness - and so, of course, he’s one of the few people capable of truly annoying Ukitake when he has the mind to XD Never mind that both of them are extremely familiar with each other’s irritation buttons - that man can just be so damn insufferable sometimes…
* Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which the character is strongly prejudiced, and why?
Not really, no. Ukitake’s a very open-minded man, and with enough solid persuasion he can shift his point of view to empathize with pretty much anyone, to some extent. If you are associated with the name ‘Aizen Sousuke’, however, he’ll certainly be giving you a slightly wary eye. By default ‘Hollow’ slots in as ‘enemy’ to him as well - for obvious reasons - but this is a perspective that can also be swayed pretty easily, so.
* How do others typically react to the character?
Well, the range is…pretty wide, lol. Some people warm up to him immediately, others are vaguely weirded out or put off by the sheer volume of friendliness, and others are repulsed by it right off the bat. Meh, depends on the person.
* Why, in the character’s opinion, do they act that way?
Well, heavens if he knows - it could be a variety of reasons, and either way Ukitake doesn’t really mind or…care, particularly. People are obliged to their own opinions! That won’t stop him from spreading the friendliness anyway, though XD
* What is the character’s most annoying habits?
…Uh. If some people are annoyed by oldman-ness, excessive drinking of tea, and cheerful nigh-constant optimism…? :D;
On a more serious note, though, Ukitake always, always tries to put on the best face for other people, even if the occasion is discordant. He can get pretty staunch about that empathy thing too :|; And he also tends to automatically try covering up the fact that that his illness is picking up again when it does, until it gets to the point where it’s sort of impossible to hide anymore 8| 8| Oh, the scoldings he’s gotten from Kyouraku over the years…
* What is the character’s favorite food?
Ume ochazuke!
* What is the character’s favorite drink?
Tea! Green tea, specifically speaking.
* What is the character’s favorite treat (desert)?
Ohagi! /o/ Or, if that’s not available, just sweet and light things in general, like ice cream (one of the best things the Living World has ever invented, in his opinion), or general cheap Japanese candies.
* Does the character favor a particular cuisine?
Ukitake’s most accustomed to the typical ancient-Japanese fare - and so, of course, he’ll be more partial towards those sort of things. But he’s plenty open to other kinds of food; as long as it tastes good, he doesn’t particularly care |D;
* Does the character savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" his/her food?
I imagine he takes the time to savor something that tastes really good most of the time. He’s hardly ever too ravenously hungry most days, so he’s probably a fairly slow eater.
* Does the character like food mild or heavily spiced?
…Mild…? I guess??? Lmfao Kubo probably has it stated somewhere out there, but I dunno. I’ll go with mild spices for now - nothing too strong or anything, certainly.
* Are there any specific foodstuffs that the character finds disgusting or refuses to eat?
Prooobably, but nothing I can name off at the moment. Greasy or fattening foods are held at a bit of an arm’s length, I imagine.
* Is the character allergic to any food?
* What is the character’s favorite color(s)?
Greens and blues.
* Is there any color that the character dislikes?
Well, it’s not a complete aversion per se, but…a scarlet sweater is probably not one Ukitake’d pick off the rack, if there were alternative dyes at hand. E-Even though it would…make laundry a bit easier…sob…
* Does the character have a favorite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?
here: Associations))
* What is the character’s favorite song?
LMFAO I…don’t even know…probably the more traditional Japanese rhymes or summat from waaaay back in the day, be they songs his mother was fond of or songs that he picked up himself. But that’s mostly for the nostalgia value.
* If the character has a favorite scent, what is it?
The smell of hot tea brewing. He has a bit of a fondness for the tang of the sea as well, on the very rare occasion he’s ever been near one. Also the fresh, damp scent of the air outside on a sunny morning right after a heavy rain. It’s the easiest stuff to breathe ever, man.
* What is the character’s favorite type of animal?
Ukitake has no overt preference, but he does have a thing for the quirky nature of fish |D; It probably helps that the Ugendo estate’s ponds were always teeming with koi, in his childhood.
* Does the character have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what?
Kind…of? It’s weird. The name of his zanpakuto is Sogyo no Kotowari, which translates as “Truth of the Twin Fish” or “Truth of Pisces”. So…apparently the true nature of his soul has an affinity with Pisces…? \o__O/
* Is there a certain type of animal that the character hates or fears?
Not really, no.
* Is the character allergic to any kinds of animals?
* Does the character have any allergies?
None to speak of yet, most fortunately. He’s got enough health problems already as it is 8|
* Is there anything that enrages the character?
Oh yes; someone intentionally harming a child, or badmouthing a code of honor. Or if someone managed to hurt Kyouraku somehow. Said enragement is a very rare occurrence, folks! But just…don’t cross that line. For your own sakes :| :|
* Is there anything which embarrasses the character?
Oh, you know, the little things that typical good-natured, upstanding people might be embarrassed about - walking in on a woman getting dressed, or walking in on Kyouraku in bed with another woman (IT'S NOT OFTEN BUT IT HAPPENS OCCASIONALLY SOB), or being rumored as part of some sort of sex scandal, or having that drunken singing duet from last night being recorded and revealed the next morning, or being caught in the middle of not-so-cleanly thoughts…ffff I could go on and on XD
* How does the character react to being teased about it?
There would probably be a lot of sheepish laughing and vague attempts at waving off the subject, or retconning/disproving it if at all possible. It all eventually culminates into waiting for it to blow over, though…which it shall, in time. None of those sort of things really have lasting effects, after all - enough so for most people to forget the next few weeks, as Ukitake’s learned over the years.
* Does the character enjoy "roughing it", or do they prefer their creature comforts?
Uhm. Well, he can rough it as becomes necessary, but he’d prefer not to. Or. Shouldn’t, rather. His health kind of dictates things like that, and he knows provoking it just doesn’t do anyone much good.
* Does the character believe in the gods?
Not…really…l-lol. Not the kind of ‘god’ a lot of the Living World looks up to, anyway.
* Does the character have a patron deity?
Again, not really. It’s kind of a mystery as to what exactly the King of Soul Society is, but the knowledge that seems to circulate at present doesn’t seem enough for religious attention, per se…
* Is s/he devout or impious?
Neither. He hardly really thinks about it, most of the time.
* Does the character actively worship and proselytize or do they simply pay lip service?
Well, Ukitake does go the extent of common sayings like “oh my God” and etc, but there isn’t any active worship about. The higher-ups certainly pay a lot of deference to the King, so there’s definitely respect all around, but…the guy’s kind of just. That vague supreme authority up there that everyone tends to forget about :\;
* What lengths would the character go to defend their faith?
* Was the character’s faith influenced or molded by anyone special?
* Does the character belong to the orthodox church, or a fringe element thereof (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)?
* How has this impacted the character’s faith and life?
* Is the character’s church an accepted religion where they grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret?
* How did this affect the character’s faith and life?
* Has the character ever been persecuted for their faith?
No…? Looks to me like nobody really cares, in Soul Society.
* If so, when and how did the character handle it?
* Can the character kill?
Yes. Yes, he can. And he can help your soul along into the next life, too.
* When did the character decide (or learn) that they could?
As soon as he decided that he wanted to be a shinigami - though the notion of the actual killing in and of itself would take a long, long time for him to actually accept and get acclimated with.
* What happened and how did the character handle it?
Ukitake knew exactly what being a shinigami entailed - his father was one, after all. Of course, even as he struggled bitterly to earn his family’s approval to become one, he knew of the violence that would be coming up should he succeed, and Ukitake certainly wasn’t looking forward to it at all. His heart just wasn’t oriented towards fighting and killing and things like that - and still really isn’t, even now. But it was a cost he’d have to pay for the freedom he was looking to achieve - and, fully aware of this, he embraced the consequence willingly, because it still outweighed the alternative.
* When does the character consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?
Only when it’s absolutely necessary, and there are no alternatives. He’ll do it in self-defense, too, but he’d try to avoid it in such a scenario if he could - it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
* When does the character consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?
For fun. That’s a big, big no. Killing innocents - like children - is also another big no. Basically, attacking anyone that can’t or doesn’t want to fight back.
* What would the character do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under their "wrong" circumstances?
Give them an epic scolding, probably - let them know good and well about his disapproval, in very much a “son I am disappoint” fashion. This in itself is a novelty that doesn’t crop up often, and that you probably don’t want to be on the receiving end of - scoldings from an Ukitake are really not fun. 8||
If it’s an enemy that did the killing, then…well, that’s one more inch towards the incentive to kill them right back, although that still wouldn’t be too much of a driving reason, for Ukitake. That sort of scenario really does require knowing all the sides to the story.
* What if it were the character’s enemy?
Ukitake’s enemy, being killed by a third party in the “wrong” fashion? Well. They’d still be getting the “son I am disappoint” scolding. Doesn’t matter who it is, that’s still not right :\
* What if it were the character’s friend?
Oh, man, that’s…bad ground. Very bad ground. One of the few things that would definitely be edging into the territory of getting Ukitake genuinely riled up. Depending on the circumstances, he might very well identify this as a good enough reason to go all-out on the offending party. Especially if the friend killed was Kyouraku.
Guys, you don’t want this man going all-out on your asses :|
* What if it were an innocent?
A “son I am very disappoint” scolding, of a more vehement extent than if it were an enemy that was killed.
* What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)?
It would have to have a good deal to do with who the opponent is, and who they’re actually attempting to kill - but, if said opponent were aiming for Ukitake himself, Ukitake would probably try his best to incapacitate them without killing them outright, or at least attempt to punt the controlling element out of them, if it were within his power. If it were absolutely necessary and there were no other options, though…he’d go right the other way around, and do his damnedest to kill them, so as to at least preserve the honor of the doomed possessed individual. (See: the death of Shiba Kaien.) Either way, though, it certainly wouldn’t be easy decision-making.
* What would the character do if someone shot at (attacked) them?
Well, dodge, of course - if he can see it coming, and has a good chance of avoiding it (which is usually the case). After that, if it were completely out of the blue, he’d (attempt) to inquire as to wtf the problem is, and try to resolve the conflict in a verbal fashion - but, if the perpetrator pressed on with the attacking, Ukitake would soon be passively retaliating with kido or zanpakuto in order to defend himself or engage them, after a little while.
* What would the character do if something were stolen from them?
Sigh very deeply upon realizing the absence of the object in question, and then inquire around after it for a little while. If it’s something quite important - like his zanpakuto, say - then he’ll certainly be trying his best to get it back. But otherwise, for more minor possessions, he’d shrug it off after a bit, and move on with life.
* What would the character do if they were badly insulted publicly?
Idek, this kind of varies depending on the actual nature of the insult, so… :\;
* What would the character do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?
It kind of depends on what the method of death was. If it were in normal combat against Hollow, then yes, he’d grieve for them all the same - a drink and a quiet night in their name - and then move on. But if there were deeper, more dirty undertones involved, he might be motivated to investigate, or even retaliate.
* What is the one task the character would absolutely refuse to do?
Compromise someone else’s honor. Backstab friends, especially Kyouraku. Harm innocents, especially women and children.
* What does the character consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?
* How does the character feel about government (rulers) in general?
Well…the Central 46 gets the job done. Which is the main thing. …Not to say they could use a bit more improvement in their system, of course - Ukitake’s had clashes with their bureaucracy in the past, and he definitely doesn’t approve of some of their customs.
For the Royal Family he’s really got no opinion at all, other than the vague respect that pretty much everyone in Soul Society shares.
* Why does the character feel that way?
The Central 46 has a bad habit of overlooking common sense - or being hijacked by Ganon Aizen, as it were. Either way, it leads to the occasional unhappy dealing, and the results of their shenanigans have nearly torn apart Soul Society on some occasions in the past. 8|;
Apart from the Zero Squad (that almost nobody ever sees or hears from or even knows about), almost no one in Soul Society but the Central 46 has ever had a direct dealing with the Royal Family. They’re almost half-myth, sometimes. Vague respect is really all that…can be given, for most atm. If they bother with even that much.
* Does the character support the current government of his/her homeland?
Yes, for the most part, despite all their fallacies…
* If so, how far is the character willing to go to defend the government? If not, does he/she actively oppose it?
He’ll defend and adhere to it willingly enough…up to a certain point. Common sense always has the forefront, and on that line Ukitake stands firm. He’ll outright turn against both the Central 46 and the Gotei 13 if it appears to be an absolutely necessary course of action…but it’s still not a turn to take lightly.
* Does the character belong to an anti-government organization?
* If so, describe the group and its aims.
* What form of government does the character believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?
Weeell atm Soul Society functions under what appears to be a long-distance monarchy that leans heavily on an oligarchy to get most of the technical stuff (aka pretty much everything) done. Naturally this is the only sort of government Ukitake’s ever known, and as far as he’s concerned it works faaaairly okay. I think he’d like democracy best out of all of them if someone ever told him about it, though; it goes well with his policy that everyone has a right and a reason to their own opinions.
* Has the character ever been persecuted for their political stance?
I guess there was that one time when he and Kyouraku outright flounced on the decisions of both the Gotei 13 and the (fake) Central 46, but that ended up not really counting for much of anything against them anyhow…
* If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected them.
Well. Basically. Everyone else was like “welp, the rules say we better execute Rukia”, and Ukitake and Kyouraku were like “screw the rules we’ll do what’s right”. Soooo they promptly broke said rules by hijacking a Shihouin Clan artifact, and using it to blow up the Soukyoku so that they could buy Rukia just enough time to get rescued :U
…Except Yamamoto got a bit pissed and threatened to roast the both of them alive, which was a less-than-pleasant but foreseen occurrence, to say the least 8|;;;;; But it was all cleared up before things got too nasty, so really, that was pretty much a victory for Team BFF /o/
* Is the character a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization?
Yep! The Gotei 13.
* If so describe it, its goals, and membership.
Also known as the Thirteen Court Protection Squads, the Gotei 13 is a military organization charged with upholding peace and law in Soul Society (to an extent), and is supposed to serve as a first line of defense for the Central 46 and, by extension, the Royal Family. Members of the Gotei are called shinigami (Death Gods), and for good reason; in addition to defensive duties, they’re also seated with the job of ferrying lingering souls from the Living World to Soul Society, and purifying Hollow, which are souls that stuck around unattended for too long and went horribly wrong. In this fashion the balance between the two worlds is always maintained, and it’s a shinigami’s duty to keep it that way.
Each Squad has a designated Captain and Vice-Captain, who are first and second in command respectively; the power gap is usually very large between these two individuals even then, however. Typically, a Captain-class shinigami commands at least five times the combat power of his/her Vice-Captain (if not more), and are usually the only rank that has mastered bankai, that being a requirement of the position. All Captains must pay deference to the Captain-Commander, all the same - and, in the end, the entirety of the Gotei still remains mostly at the mercy of the Central 46’s jurisdiction.
Joining the Gotei is optional to a certain degree - however, once you’re in it, you cannot retire, and are pretty much at it for life. They can’t just discharge you, after all - you know too much, once you start serving, and whatever information you gather about the Gotei’s systems just can’t be left to the discretion of the public 8|
* How loyal is the character to this group and why?
Ukitake is pretty loyal to the Gotei, the same way he’s pretty loyal to the Central 46: to an extent, albeit maybe a further one. He has no reason not to be, after all - he willingly joined, and most of his dearest friends/mentors work right alongside him as shinigami. It’s pretty much a way of life, by now.
* How did the character become a member?
By attending the Academy and graduating, just like any other respectable shinigami. It was just…a hella lot harder, for Ukitake. >>;
* If the character is a former member, did they leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why?
Hahaha, nope. Been working in this joint for two thousand years, and he’s not quitting just yet 8|| Not that he…could, though, even if he wanted to. Or at least, not easily. See above.
* Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad?
* Is the character being sought or hunted by the organization?
* If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder the character, to force their return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on them and make sure s/he do not reveal any of the groups secrets)?
* Does the character have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?
* If so, describe them and how the character acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them.
Well, he’s…pretty much a middle-aged-looking man with oldman habits. He’s also so completely and utterly friendly that it would…probably be a bit strange or jarring to your average person? |D; It’s all quite natural though - that’s just a part of who he…is, really, age and all.
* How does the character react if made fun of for any of these things?
He’d laugh right along with them. What, it’s not like he’s going to take it to heart or anything XD That’s just who he is - can’t change it, so why get so self-conscious about it?
* Does the character have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?
Eh, not really. He does tend to arch his fingers or close his hands into fists when he’s under conflict or stress, though.
* If so, are there any reasons behind them from the character’s past?
Nah. That’s just…his odd little habit, lol.
* Does the character have an unusual gait or accent?
Well, he has a…Japanese…accent…???
* If so, where did s/he acquire them?
In Japan Soul Society 8||
* Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident?
* How does the character feel and react if made fun of for any of these things?
Well, nobody does. So. Nothing to worry about there, just yet. If it ever came up Ukitake’d probably give them a weird look and shrug it off, though.
* What place would the character most like to visit?
A beach in the Living World. Doesn’t matter where - if he could only visit one just once without having to be on active duty, and stay for awhile, he’d be content.
* What annoys the character the most?
Seeing someone negatively harass someone else repeatedly, actually. Even if the both of them are complete strangers, it just…hnnn, it’s rather difficult to watch, for him. Most times he even steps in to intervene somehow in the most casual way possible, if he can.
* What (if any) are the character’s favorite forms of art?
God I don’t. Uh. Well, he’s pretty good a calligraphy…? Typical traditional Japanese art, like woodblock prints and stuff, probably…
* What is the character’s most treasured possession?
HMMM. I’d say Sogyo no Kotowari, his zanpakuto - but since it’s sort of an extension of his own soul, that’s. Kind of a given.
* What things could he/she not live without?
…Well okay, sure, I imagine he could…probably go without…but goddamn it would be a lonely life :( Not to mention, Ukitake’s not entirely sure where he’d be now if it hadn’t been for the support of friendship, over the years.
* Does the character have a good luck charm?
Not really, no. He definitely believes in luck, though - after all, he’s certainly had his fair share of it!
* If the character’s life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would s/he do in those remaining hours?
Have sincere farewell conversations with all of his closer friends, find some way to finally settle the eternal quarrel between his Third Seats, firmly instruct foresaid Third Seats on keeping the squad in stable condition until a new Captain can step in, sit outside in the sunshine and have a quiet cup of tea by himself for a couple of completely isolated hours, and then stick around and drink with Kyouraku as long as he possibly can.
* Does the character have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can s/he see shades of grey?
Everything’s grey, until proven otherwise.
* Does the character prefer to tear down or build up?
Uh. Build up, I suppose.
* Is the character deliberate or spontaneous?
Deliberate, when he’s afforded the time. Has his moments of random spontaneity, though - comes with the energy spurts of old age and derpness, I guess.
* Does the character prefer the town or the country?
He’d feel more comfortable in a small town, but he doesn’t mind the country either.
* If made to decide, would the character rather be deaf or blind? Why?
Prooobably blind. He could handle it - sensing reiatsu is awesome like that, and he could probably get the hang of getting around with his other sensory capabilities. This would also be factored heavily on memory value, in that respect - it’s easy enough to remember what someone looks like, but voices, or the sound of a song? Not so much…
* How does the character feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural?
Ukitake himself is an entity that those of the living world would tag ‘supernatural’. He’s quite aware of it…and amused by the Living World’s beliefs in general. So. Yeah. /o/
* Does the character remember his/her dreams?
Yes, but not very often, these days.
* Describe a typical dream the character might have.
His dreams are usually weird conglomerations of bits and pieces of past events and recollections, especially very distant ones. He’s got two thousand year’s worth of fairly sharp memories, and it’s all gotta run around somewhere…
* Describe the character’s worst nightmares.
Being in a pitch black nothingness, and suffocating. This nightmare used to be a lot more frequent in Ukitake’s childhood, but he still relieves it every now and again even now - and it’s never any less terrifying. Also, being incapacitated in the middle of a battle due to his illness, and watching Kyouraku get cut down because he couldn’t overcome his own body in time to save him.
* Where and how was the character educated?
In the Shinigami Academy.
* Who trained the character in his/her class or job?
Meh, I imagine the Academy had a wide assortment of sensei to teach the equally wide range of skills needed to be a shinigami. Captain-General Yamamoto himself also stepped in to give Ukitake and Kyouraku some extra training about midway through their tenure in the Academy.
* What was the character’s relationship with his/her teacher(s)/mentor(s)?
Ukitake prooobably got along very well with almost all his teachers, back in the day - his good manners, studious nature, strong willingness to learn, and general charming personality probably had a hand in making him a bit of a class favorite, I imagine >>;;;
With Yamamoto, though, it…started out as a very strong respect (and maybe-possibly equally strong terror) on Ukitake’s part, though with the march of time he’s come to view the old coot more affectionately as that one very petulant great-great-great-grandfather that he never had. As long as you stay off his lawn…because he’ll set your punk ass on fire on a whim 8|
* How did the character happen across this teacher or mentor?
The Academy teachers were…well. Part of the Academy XD
On the contrary, Yamamoto happened on Ukitake and Shunsui, instead of the other way around - mainly after observing the inherent talent present in the two of them, and deciding that great things could come of honing it properly. Great things indeed…
* Was the character’s mentor kind, stern, cruel, indifferent?
Lolol, well. I’m sure it all varied by the individual, with Ukitake’s numerous teachers. But Yamamoto himself was all of those at once @.@ Really, the guy was possibly the most terrifying mentor anyone could possibly have, but it should never be said that he wasn’t damn god at enforcing his lessons.
* Is this person or institution still in existence?
Yep, on both accounts!
* Was the character forced into his/her profession by parents or peers?
Very much on the contrary, Ukitake had to practically beg to become a shinigami. Even to this day he still thinks that the argument he had with his parents, on the day of the final turn-point in their decision, was possibly the most vehement, bitterly-fought, and terrifying one that he’s ever had, and ever will.
* Did circumstances dictate the character’s choice of profession?
Yes. His illness and his status as the eldest son in an aristocratic family was the main driving force; by rendering him pretty invalid for almost all his childhood, the illness and the accompanying expectations of nobility narrowed his life options down quite abruptly: he could either live passively in the Ugendo estate as the eventual head of the family and remain sheltered for the rest of his life, or shoot for his one chance at getting involved with the rest of the world and helping others, by being a shinigami (a status more inclined towards nobility, back in those days). The second choice was all kinds of appealing to Ukitake for obvious reasons, and so he strove for it.
* Was the character a prize student or did s/he just barely pass?
Oh, he was definitely at the top of his class during every year he attended at the Academy, and graduated in flying colors. Ukitake did so well that he caught the interest of Captain-General Yamamoto himself, so. He was definitely something of a prodigy alongside Kyouraku, for his time.
…And it was a status that was bloody hard to refine and maintain unfailingly.
* Look at the character’s skills. How did s/he acquire them (especially the unusual ones)?
Lots and lots and lots of training and experience.
* Has the character ever done anything else for a living?
* How does the character function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)?
Ukitake’s strongest suit is in swordsmanship - in fact, he’s considered one of the most skilled swordsmen at the Gotei 13’s disposal. A master of zanjutsu, he can also dual-wield two blades at once to very good success, since that’s the nature of his zanpakuto’s release. Kido is also one of his strong points: he’ll use his zanpakuto in tandem with a chaining combo of spells.
Favoring flash-steps, he’s very fast, and can land powerful single strikes, but Ukitake’s still a light hitter compared to other Captain-class shinigami, as his physical strength has always been rather minimal thanks to his illness. He’s efficient enough with hakuda, but he considers himself a bit rusty in the area all the same, and there’s that foresaid lack of substantial physical strength.
Ukitake’s also capable of instantaneously reflecting energy attacks back at the attacker if he has Sogyo no Kotowari released, so…yeah, there’s that, too. :d
* How would the character best be defeated?
If you can get past the nigh-crippling levels of reiatsu, disarming him and concentrating on his physical weaknesses would be your best bet - especially where his illness is concerned. There’s a certain spot in his torso area, somewhere under the ribs, that would definitely cause him a good deal of pain if a hit were to connect there, and could send him coughing up blood. Take him down as firmly and swiftly as you can, though - don’t let him release his bankai :| Kubo hasn’t revealed what it is yet, but as a general rule, Captain-class bankais are always game-changers, for better or worse.
* Has the character ever received any awards or honors?
…No, I don’t think so. The Gotei 13 doesn’t work like that.
* What has the character done that was considered "outstanding" in his/her occupation by others in his/her field?
Well, he’s hailed as one of the Gotei 13’s most powerful Captains for a reason. Just the fact that he’s maintained his position for two thousand years despite his illness is rather admirable, and I’m pretty sure he’s helped to clear up some otherwise-impossible field missions in the past.
* What are the character’s long-term goals in work?
Stay alive, watch the backs of his men and his friends, and get the job done 8|b
* Describe any traumatic experiences in the character’s present occupation that has affected him/her deeply in some way.
LOLOL well…he’s pretty much spent almost his entire life being a shinigami. Two thousand years’ worth of trauma opportunities. You tell me :||||
* How does the character’s relatives and friends view his/her present occupation?
His relatives view his position as a venerable one, quite deserving of the credit that he often receives - then again, Ukitake is the almost sole supporter of the lot of them, so of course they’re pretty happy about his status as a Captain in the Gotei. The friends he has in the Gotei 13 itself consider him as…well…part of the Gotei too, and a respectable one >>a Everyone else tends to be rather put off by the nature of his job at first, but warm up to it as time goes by. He is a Death God, and that kind of title is more than a little intimidating to start with.
* Is there anything that the character doesn’t currently know how to do that s/he wishes s/he could?
Uuuuuuh…keep up with Living World pop culture? No, really. He can’t keep track of all the fads for the life of him, but…gdit they’re so interesting ;;
* Is the character envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or is s/he sullen and morose about it?
Oh, he’s good-natured about it, sure. He heartily respects the knowledge of anyone that can keep up with humanity better than he.
* What is the character’s normal daily routine?
‘Normal’? Well.
Have a quick light breakfast while looking over paperwork that influxed from yesterday or came in overnight; go out for a morning stroll and do rounds of the barracks to see how everyone’s doing and gather news; return to quarters and start whittling away at the paperwork from the morning; supervise drills before lunch; more paperwork; take a break for an outing with friends, mainly Kyouraku, or take a visitation of other parts of Sereitei or even the first few districts of Rukongai; return, tackle more paperwork, including authorization of dispatching individuals in the Living World to patrol and eliminate Hollow; get feedback on earlier patrols and missions within Soul Society, write up reports to send into the 1st Division, and possibly check up on the people personally; have dinner, usually with friends invited over, and relax for a good portion of the evening; lol paperwork; aaand a quiet cup of tea before bed.
* How does the character feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?
If anything, it’s most normal for that routine up there to be interrupted, actually - Captain’s meetings, assignments to visit the Living World in person, unexpected emergencies, his illness rearing its head and rendering him pretty much incapacitated for a few days - things are hardly ever static ’round these parts 8|| By now Ukitake just rolls with it.
* What are the character’s hobbies when s/he’s not adventuring or training?
Old man things |D; Going out with friends for drinks, trimming tiny little bonsai trees, feeding the koi ponds…
* What would the character do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse his/herself?
He’d probably brew some tea. If it’s a clear night, he’d settle on the porch outside and drink it down slowly while watching the stars, until he gets to feeling sleepy again. Of course, if Kyouraku isn’t asleep and is free for botherment...there's that option, too :|b
* What does the character do for relaxation? What things does s/he do for enjoyment? What interests does s/he you have?
Tea. Tea tea tea. 8|; Also that bonsai trimming, lmfao…OLDMAN THINGS OKAY. Oh, and he also writes children’s books in his spare time. …No, srsly, this is canon trivia. Said books are even wildly popular among children in Sereitei, despite the fact that the series often gets put on hiatus frequently.
* How does the character normally dress when not in his/her adventuring gear?
Wait I thought I already answered this somewhere earlier…
* Does the character like to dress up or down to relax?
Down, definitely. So much more comfortable, that way.
* Does the character have a look or style? If so, describe it.
Old-fashioned Japanese :| Again, probably Edo-era, with emphasis on multiple layers of kimono.
* What does the character normally wear in bed at home?
Just a yukata and a pair of socks, probably.
* What does the character normally wear in bed while adventuring?
In the middle of a patrol group or something, you mean? Ah, he probably wouldn’t bother to change out of the shihakusho - need to constantly be on alert, and all that.
* Does the character wear any identifiable jewelry?
lmao no…
* Where does the character normally put his/her weapons, magic items, or other valuables when s/he is sleeping?
Ukitake likes keeping his zanpakuto in its sheath and still tied to his obi somewhere near his bed, perhaps leaning up against the nearest wall or something. As long as it’s within easy grabbing range, and he can put it on quickly…
He’s a very light sleeper 8|;;
* What morning or evening routines does the character normally have?
Ukitake’s almost always an early riser, and is definitely more of a morning person. Wake up, brush teeth, have a hot shower, comb hair, get dressed, and send out one of his Third-Seats to commission a breakfast from the barrack cooks (assuming they haven’t gotten it already and bickered to hell and back about who gets to carry in the tray, lol…) He’ll usually take his medications shortly before the morning shower, and then take another set before eating breakfast. Then he’ll go out for that daily surveying stroll~
In the evenings he’ll either be visiting a friend for dinner or have friends over for dinner himself, sort out the last of the paperwork afterwards, and then chill and enjoy some tea before retiring earlyish. Occasionally Kyouraku breaks that routine by breezing in and whisking him off for a drink on the odd occasion, of course.
* Do these change when the character is adventuring?
Well, it gets stripped down to the bare necessities - or, if it’s a particularly dangerous and drawn-out patrol mission on the field, he’ll skip out on almost all the morning and evening pleasantries altogether. Not much choice in the matter, really.
* What pastime (that the character participates in regularly) gives him/her the most enjoyment?
All those aforementioned oldman habits, but especially hanging out with friends. I mean…god, Ukitake practically lives on the presence of friends for his daily entertainment value okay >>;;;
* What pastime (that the character participates in regularly) gives him/her the least enjoyment?
L-lol, paperwork. Ukitake knows it’s essential, but there really is a lot of it, if the listing of his daily routine up there is anything to go by…
* Does the character read the newspaper?
Yes! The Sereitei Bulletin.
* If so, which sections and how often?
Pretty much everything usually, if he has the time. Definitely any main headlines, and he’ll skim the classifieds (if those exist?) and comics (?????) just for the amusement value. The Bulletin prooobably don’t have a sports section, so that much is out of the question…
* Travel: how does the character get around locally?
On foot, generally - it’s always served well enough for him over the last two thousand years, and he sees no reason to start changing now. The occasional liberal use of shunpo for haste never hurts, either.
* What is the character’s idea of a good evening's entertainment?
An outing with friends, which may or may not include a bar and sake, but doesn’t have to. …Yeah, he’s easy to please, what can I say |D;
* Does the character get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)?
* Does the character like riding animals?
Iiiii have no idea. He’s probably had to once or twice, but certainly not regularly. I imagine he’d prefer not to if he could help it, at least - it just…feels so weird and awkward XD;
* Any fears in traveling?
Nope, not really.
* What sorts of general belongings or equipment does the character take when traveling?
Thaaat kind of depends on where he’s going?? For any fairly long journey that’s going to take more than a few days, he’ll certainly be stocking the essentials: clothing and toiletries, medications, first-aid kit, and zanpakuto, to be worn at all times. If it’s an extended mission in the Living World that involves interaction with actual Living World inhabitants (which is…rare, lol), then in addition to the above essentials there his Gigai (artificial body), his Soul Pager (a cellphone for shinigami :|b), Hell Butterfly, a stock of modern clothing, modern currency, and probably a container of Soul Candy.
* What are the character’s hangout places?
13th Squad’s barracks, 8th Squad’s barracks, general public areas of Sereitei, and occasionally one of the first three districts of Rukongai, to visit befriended children or vendors in that area.
* Does the character go to a bar after work?
Sometimes! With the recommendation and company of Kyouraku /o/
* Does the character play pool?
On very rare occasions, probably…although Ukitake generally isn’t too inclined towards gambling and the like, usually.
* Does the character go dancing? Who goes with him/her?
I’m sure Ukitake has once or twice, but not…usually, lol
* What does the character read?
News magazines, the newspaper, short stories - to name a few. Probably dabbles in children’s books occasionally too, though that’s more for a study of method and mild amusement, more than anything else. He read heftier things in his childhood and while he was in the Academy, but he doesn’t have much time to handle larger novels and the like, nowadays.
* What music does the character like?
Quiet, traditional stuff, by default. He’ll warm up to pretty much anything as long as it sounds nice, though.
* Does the character have a favorite artist, band or bard?
I don’t…think so, no. Or maybe. But idek |D;
* Will the character listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive him/her nuts when people do that?
I don’t think Ukitake’s ever really had a song stuck in his head quite like that. He’d be a little weirded out if someone else did that, of course, but he wouldn’t worry about it too much - probably just an odd little habit of theirs, after all.
* How does the character exercise? Work out at the gym, walk in the morning, run marathons, play sports, couch potato?
lol what are gyms 8U Yeah, he’s definitely the sort for those morning walks - and maybe some minor morning aerobics too, just general stretches and stuff. Ukitake gets most of his exercise from training and sparring, though - he doesn’t partake in it too frequently, but when he does it’s usually a two-hour private stint with Kyouraku or something.
* Where does the character live?
The Thirteenth’s barracks and among his men, usually!
* Does the character rent or own?
Own…kind. Of. I guess. The place came with the Captain status, so.
* Apartment, house or castle?
Clooosest to apartment. Doubles as his office.
* How close are the neighbors?
The closest neighboring squad? Meh, one relatively-high cement wall away, on one end. Probably a five-minute’s walk, if you take the shortest route.
* Is it a good neighborhood?
Uh. Well. Twelfth is the closest neighboring squad. …Most of the guys there are relatively okay, if not a bit. Weird. Its Captain, Kurotsuchi Mayuri, would probably be the creepiest neighbor ever, though. At the very least the guy keeps to himself most of the time, so Ukitake doesn’t have to worry about him so much thank God @.@ All of the Squads together probably make for a fairly dysfunctional-but-moderately-organized society, to say the least.
* What colour is the house?
IT’S NOT REALLY A HOUSE but idek probably…the same color as the rest of the barracks? >>a Tan wood planking, etcetc
* Which floor is the character on?
Few areas in the barracks ever exceed ground level. Ukitake’s mini-apartment is no exception.
* Does the character have a lawn?
* What about a flower garden?
Well, there’s a small plot of zen garden in the back? …If that counts???
* Does the character’s house have an attic or basement?
* What does the character’s furniture look like?
Very Japanese and traditional and clean, probably.
* Does the character buy antiques?
The entire area would probably be considered antique by the standards of anyone from the Living World, lmao. That being said: no. Most possessions that even Soul Society would consider antique are actually probably just items Ukitake’s kept over the years.
* What are the character’s walls covered with? Wallpaper, art, photos?
Eh, they’re pretty barren, for the most part. Warm brown wood-paneled walls, no need for wallpaper. There’s probably a nice little tapestry hung up here or there, but that’s about it. Ukitake does have a strung cluster of one thousand brightly-colored paper cranes hanging in one corner of his bedroom, though - those were a gift from his sisters waaay back when he first graduated from the Academy, and was getting ready to officially move into the Gotei.
* What sorts of curtains does the character have? Frilly lacy ones, Venetian blinds, pull-down shades?
Curtains what curtains :|
* Does the character keep his/her house clean?
Oh, yes. It’s always pretty tidy and neat in there.
*Does s/he clean it his/herself?
* Is it dusty?
Probably in some areas, yes - especially the closet. Two thousand years of having one inhabitant, and all…
* Is the bathtub moldy or coated in rust?
There isn’t one - the barracks have a public bath for usage instead, and that’s certainly not dirty by any means |DD
* Does the character clean it his/herself?
Lol no. That’s 4th Squad’s job, tyvm.
* What does the character’s desk or workspace look like? Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in drifts of books and papers, neatly ordered and clean?
It’s smallish, but not to the point of being cramped - his actual workspace doubles as his bedroom. There’s a desk situated to one side strewn with papers and scrolls and ink bottles and brushes, mostly in neat stacks or piles, unless he’s having a particularly busy day. Overall it’s fairly clean and organized.
* Can the character find what they're looking for when s/he needs it?
Yep, usually.
* What colour are the character’s sheets?
* Satin or cotton?
Definitely cotton.
* Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots?
Nope! Plain old white, thanks.
* What sorts of food does the character eat?
Light meals, usually heavy in starch or fibers ie rice and noodles, with vegetables almost always thrown in somewhere. Think your typical Asian fare.
* Does the character cook his/her own dinners?
Sometimes, yes. Other times the barrack cooks handle that.
* Is the character a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook?
He’s an okay chef - nothing glorious, but not too shabby. He’s been working on it on and off over the years.
* Does the character eat out?
Occasionally, yes - usually for lunch or dinner, at a friend’s place.
* Is the character on a diet?
Goodness no. He looks like he barely gets enough nutrition as it is 8||
* Where does the character vacation, and how often?
Nothing ever…really counts as a vacation, when it comes to the Gotei 13. That’s just called being on temporary, supervised leave >>a Ukitake does retire to the Ugendo estate sometimes, though, when he’s at risk of burning himself out at work, and feeling especially under the weather. Typically a couple of weeks is the maximum he’ll allow himself to stay, though - his squad certainly isn’t going to run itself.
* Does the character have any pets?
He’s entertained the notion of getting one a few times, but no.
* Does the character keep a calendar or address book?
Yes to calendar, no to address book.
* Where does s/he keep it?
The calendar’s probably lurking among the papers on his desk somewhere, with inked lines marking off the days
* Does the character have a Will?
Yes. 8| …Ukitake’s probably had one ever since graduating the Academy, if not earlier. There are six or seven copies, carefully and neatly written in assorted scrolls, to be found in several places - it gets rewritten and/or added to every three hundred years or so.
* What does it say?
Well, it’s a fairly large Will by now |D; A good bulk of it covers mostly technical things concerning his family - distribution of wealth and finances, jurisdiction of Ugendo and various other estates under the Ukitake ownership; basically, who gets what, when they get it, and why they get it. After all that there are a few special notes concerning the Thirteenth Division, and a few select close friends. He leaves the funeral proceedings under the charge of Kyouraku, though whether Kyouraku is actually aware of this fact is…debatable >___>
* What would the character like to be remembered for after his/her death?
As far as Ukitake’s concerned? Being that one good friend.
* What kind of threat does the character present to the public?
None, normally. I’m pretty sure he’s extremely capable of leveling an entire town to the ground, though, so…
* If the character’s features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying his/her body?
Oh my god um. His…hair…? D: If all else fails there’s that awesome thing called DNA testing, I. Suppose.
* How much is a pint of mead?
How much is a flask of sake? B)
* As a player, if you could, what advice would you give the character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice…
Don't think too hard on it 8|;