Title: The Sweetest Downfall
oceanaidPairings: Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine, Merlin/Freya, Morgana/Gwen
Rating: R
Warnings: Death, suicide, grief
Summary: Two illustrations for the wonderful fic The Sweetest Downfall! (First one: Merlin and Freya; second one: Merlin, Arthur, and Gwaine)
Media type: Pencil, digital painting software
(happiness and love)
(merlin, cheer up buddy!)
Artist's Notes:
sareisle was an awesome bundle of sunlight of an author and I did not deserve her. She was so patient and ever so understanding, and I consider myself very very very lucky to have been matched up with her! Thanks, thanks, thanks! To viewers-- thank you for looking at these two little scraps of doodles! I know they're (really very really) not much, but I hope that they can do the actual fic some justice! Again, thanks everyone!