97 - Meme from the Slimequeen, from t3h kks

Apr 07, 2007 14:21

How this meme works:
I've asked Slimequeen to ask me five questions of her choosing about myself, which I've answered here. If anyone wants me to ask them questions, do so in the comments to this post. I'll leave my questions for you there, and you answer them in your journals.

1) When did your obesssion with Russia begin? Were weapons always involved?

I don't rightly recall, but I know it began with their space program, so it didn't involve weapons. That doesnt mean it didnt involve huge clouds of fire and rockets shooting around. They were just more useful than usual.

2) How did your mom help you cope with being interracial boy in super-white Canada?
Actually, this wasnt such a huge problem compared to trying to be an interracial boy growing up in super-Chinese Richmond, where I went to school for sevenish years. That having been said, it didnt really come up too often, although she did ask me on a few occassions, "Does it ever become a problem that you aren't white?" (She probably didnt phrase it like that.) To which I would answer, "It's more noticable that I'm not asian," which was a curiousity at worst.

So to answer the question as it was asked, she did her best to be aware of the situation, but it was never really a problem.

3) In your travels, what place has struck you as the most God-forsaken?
You want me to choose? Okay, letsee... Drumheller, Alberta*. Why? Firstly, there's no direction you can look from inside Drumheller without finding some business with an obnoxious dinosaur-oriented theme. (Very few of them actually carry the motif off well or with any kind of dignity.) Secondly, hick town. The adults are closed-minded and the kids are mean. I know this from two or three encounters in my 16 hour stay in the town [which really isnt enough to generalize about the place, but it left a foul impression and here it is -_-]. Sorry, I hate to paint the whole place with that one brush, but it really is. Then, there's the fact that it gets to, like, 500 kelvins in the shade (if you can FIND ANY) in teh summer. Yecch.
I dont like Drumheller* one bit.

*It should be noted that I have not included the Royal Tyrell Museum when I refer to Drumheller. That is a fantastic place where many a t-shirt can be purchased and with many dozens of interesting exhibits. Not to be included in my previous statements.

4) Besides egg nog, do you have another favorite seasonal drink? What is your favorite drink year-round?

Not that I can think of off the top of my head. My favourite year-round drink is probably Kahlua and chocolate milk together.

5) When you were little, what were your favorite cartoons? Do you still watch any of them? Are any of them now too insipid to view?

Favourite cartoons when I was little were probably Samurai Pizza Cats, The Bots Master, and Freakazoid. I've been rewatching The Bots Master, among othersfrom that era, with a friend of mine, and although most of them seem above and well beyond idiotic, they are not too idiotic to be made fun of. Mighty Max and TBM, which at the time seemed 'kewl', are now ridiculous marketing ploys designed to sell toys. Mighty Max was BASED OFF THE TOY and not the other way around. Street Sharks was just plain loopy (I'm pretty sure that any amount of genetic manipulation will NOT cause a gigantic drill to take the place of any creature's nose). Bucky O'Hare is best described as being "crazy-mental all the goddamn time." Also, I didnt notice this at the time, either, but they all featured campy, oversexualized women. "Oh but that's nothing new!" I hear you shout. Well, no, it isn't, but it seems even more ridiculous as an early 90's cartoon than it does nowadays. How far we've come, indeed.

1. What was your favorite TV show growing up? Have you watched it again since you were young? If so, was it still appealing?

My favourite TV show? Hmm. I don't honestly recall. All I remember about growing up with TV is watching hours of the Weather Network and staying up until one AM to watch MADtv, which I did for the exclusive purpose of seeing their on-again off-again Spy vs. Spy cartoon.
Going with MAD, I have watched it since, but really it isnt as funny now as it was then.

2. Where does your lust for Asian women come from?

If I knew that, I'd probably be over there having the time of my life instead of here writing memes. XD Probably the same place as my love of egg nog and combat helicopters.

...oh what wond'rus place t'must be... *rapture*

3. What are the biggest differences that you notice between Canada and the United States?

The United States has economic might. It can convince other countries to do things they wouldnt ordinarily be inclined to do just by shifting around the financial collateral it commands. China can do this, too. Canada, on the other hand, has to resort to "useless and outdated" notions such as "diplomacy" and "asking nicely". Failing that, the US can also use the threat of military force. Canada, instead, has to resort to "useless and outdated" notions such as "diplomacy" and "asking nicely".

From what I see, America also has a habit of not giving much of a damn about its least fortunate citizens, whereas Canada makes a B- effort.

I'd also like to say something arrogant and precotious like "Canadians are more sophisticated and better educated than Americans," but we aren't. We relly aren't. Our literacy rate is a little better I guess, but it doesnt go any farther than that, despite what Rick Mercer may tell you. XD

America is also politically homogenous. On the large scale, its two major parties are virtually identical and differ only in specifics. Canada has a much larger segment of the political spectrum, including the ultraright conservatives, middle-right New Democrats, centrist Liberals, off-in-their-own-worldist Bloc Quebecois, the Greens, and 'a host of others' nobody gives a damn about who get about 500 votes between them every election.

Lastly, I find Canadian beer to be just as foul as American beer, in spite of all the evidence my countrymen and the commercials throw at me. ¬_¬;

4. What do you think is your weirdest quirk?

On long drives with my friends, I'll sometimes personify a rubber ball in the shape of Mario (almost exactly as pictured), which I call 'The Mariosphere', and speak in a high, falsetto voice as if he were Mario, and talking to me and my passenger. Mario also posesses the "Mario Powers", or mario kratia, which enable him to alter reality in any number of unpredictable, error-prone ways. The character I've... uhh... developed for Mario is that of a low-grade mysogynistic 'shroom-addicted sociopath who lives in a third-floor Brooklyn apartment with Kirby which he calls "Marioania" and is governed by Generalissimo Luigi. I've also, in my boredom, invented other Mario brothers; Lesquinji, whose voice is so annoying that he was never able to appear in the games because of it, and Lario, who, for all intents and purposes, is a normal human being.
We've also protracted Mario's name into all sorts of things, for instance "Dread Electric Captain Mario "Sweetie" Gonzales de Stache the Unsinkable Champion" (from Paper Mario 2) or "Dr. Mario "Dr. Mario" Mario, M.D., D.D.M.", who is a doctor of botany specializing in plants with teeth.

There are many other specifics of this nigh-retarded fantasy that I wont waste valuable bits on, but rest assured, it's very weird.

5. Why do you enjoy playing swordie/knight so much?

It's pretty straightforward stuff, I guess. I could play other classes, but since I'm pretty casual about RO, I usually just want to go on and kill things or tank people. Swordie/knight builds are pretty forgiving about experimental/idiotic builds, too. This is also why I've been trying to make a Super Novice.
A simple class for a simple guy, I guess. XD


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