OMGwiththethingandtheguyandIfounditOMGYAY. ^__^;; *ahem* Ruza came over to ask me to help her sew a button back onto her jeans and while digging around for scraps of black thread in my sewing kit, I found a bundled-up napkin and wondered, "What is this?" So I unwrapped it and it's the locket my brother gave me.
Many many Christmases ago... (at least 4 or 5), my brother gave me a small silver locket with his and my picture inside. Now I know lockets are usually something given between boyfriend and girlfriend and all (and that's what all the Japanese students thought when they saw it when I went over for two weeks), but Sean's reasoning behind it was a lot more sentimental because he was getting his life back in order, spending more time with his family, and becoming a really awesome friend to his little sister. It was really touching and I cried (of course) and wore it almost religiously until the trip to Florida one summer.
We were leaving Savannah, GA (GA is le SATAN ^_~) on our return trip, an hour away from the hotel, when I realize my locket is on the bedside table at the hotel. Dawne says we can't go back for it and instead, we called and asked them to look for it. They found it and said they'd mail it within a day or two. A week passes by and it's faded to the back of my mind until I come home from school one day to find Dad and Dawne in the kitchen, waiting for me with those serious, "We need to talk," expressions that make your stomach drop. I went into the kitchen and on the table is an envelope from Savannah, GA, a flat envelope, with a giant tear in one corner.
I was heart-broken all over again and couldn't decide whether to tell Sean or not, because I know he'd spent a fair amount of money, besides the simple sentimental value of the locket. I give up hope on the locket because there's no way we could tell where the tear had occurred and in what state the necklace could have been lost. Meanwhile, Dawne writes a letter to the postmaster of the state of Georgia and explains the story of what happened, ending it with, "I believe in miracles so I hope you can help make this one happen."
Several weeks later, I come home again to another serious scene, only this time there's a plastic bag with a letter from the postmaster, the original envelope, and the locket. Of course, I cried again. (Sean found out accidentally that it had been lost, but we'd already recovered it by then) Life goes on and I go to college and suddenly can't find the necklace anywhere. We're in the midst of changing houses and over the next three years, as more and more is emptied out of the old house, I have torn it up and down and sideways and across the Z access looking for this locket with no luck. At one point, Sean asked jokingly if I'd lost the necklace again and I had to tearily explain that I couldn't find it, but I knew I would someday.
And so I have. I was so freaking happy, I started hollering and jumping up and down right then and there. Scared poor Ruza, I'm sure, but I couldn't help it. *beams for days* Then I ran to the window, snatched my phone and called Sean. And now I'm still grinning like a fool, even though the pictures look so old of us, but I'm just so damned happy to have it back. I think I'll put more recent pictures in it when I get the chance and start wearing it again, though maybe not so religiously. ^__~;
The Japanese speech contest was tonight. Wa-cha. I'm happy that it's over, but I have to admit, despite the terror and nervousness that gripped me for most of the day, it was kind of fun. And definitely good practice for my grammar and such. Plus, I learned lots of useful vocabulary! ....多分. *grins* I don't know how often I'll use "supplier" or "distributor" but, um, at least know I know them. There were so few contestants and poor B and I were alone in our categories! T__T So I guess we won by default, but I didn't really care about winning, I just wanted to do well. I kind of froze up when Mika asked her questions, but she said I did okay. I hope so! ^__^; I "won" the Oxford Japanese-English dictionary, which is ironic, because I was just thinking I needed to get a dictionary that had the words arranged according to the Japanese syllabary, which this does. Ta da!
Anyway, so now that the speech contest is over, I can stop fretting over it and move on to other events this week, like B and I doing the Art & Games Day on Thursday. Yay International Week. Plus, we're watching movies for the rest of the week in Ethics, with lectures/discussions in the afternoon so thank you lord, I can relax and get my work done during the week (maybe) instead of it piling up for Friday or Saturday night.
GAH. Why is Ebay the spawn of Satan that has everything you want when you can't get it?! ::attempts to peel self away:: Oh maaaaan..the first season of 24 that isn't one of the Asian bootlegs, for $25 and $4 shipping...::beats self with a stick:: Back, girl, back! You can buy it some other time. ^__~; Anyway, I think I have just enough time to squeeze in a movie before bed, so I'm going to do that. ::nods::