[fic post] We Burn So Beautifully, My Dear (keep on laughing through the fear)

Sep 23, 2010 04:46

Title: We Burn So Beautifully, My Dear (keep on laughing through the fear)
Rating: Hard R
Genre: Romance
Pairings or Characters: Spike/Faye, implied Spike/Julia
Warnings: language, sex
Word Count: 787
Summary: They've forgotten it's a game.
Author Notes: I have a thing for not-quite-in-plain-sight sex, methinks.

We Burn So Beautifully, My Dear
(keep on laughing through the fear)

"At least you have a past."

"You've got one."

"Don't remember it, though."

"Makes you lucky."

"Says you."


He never goes to her room.

He finds her in the common areas and drags her off into hallways just outside of where the others remain, just out of sight but not completely. He does it keep her quiet, keep her behaving.

They fuck against the cold metal that makes up the Bebop's hull, clothes still on and pushed out of the way only enough to let him enter her. (He notices she doesn't wear any underwear, though, and wonders if she's expecting him or just doesn't care.) He buries a fist in her hair, always disappointed when it stays too short, too dark to be who he wants. He fucks her hard and angry, not caring whether she gets off or not. When he comes, his legs can't hold them both up and he has to let go, pressing his hands against the wall to keep from collapsing.

She pulls away from him, dropping her leg from around his waist, and adjusts her skirt before walking away, back into the main corridor and waving at Jet as she passes.

Jet spots him, still holding himself up against the wall, and shakes his head, but he continues on his way without a word.


"So you remember stuff?"


"Like what?"

"None of your business."



She never waits for him.

She corners him whenever she wants, shooing Ed and Ein out of the room as she slides across his lap. He stares at her, like he's not sure whether to be surprised or annoyed, while she grins against his mouth.

They fumble against each other, reckless and impatient, until she's riding him slow and deep. She bites back a laugh when he lets out a hiss, fingers digging into her skin and she welcomes it. She lays her hands over his, pressing them harder against her, encouraging them to grip her until it hurts, and sighs happily when he tugs at her hips, forceful enough to leave bruises as he grinds her down onto his lap. She keeps the rhythm where she wants, speeding up only when she feels herself getting close. She grabs a fistful of his shirt as she rocks through her orgasm, noting absently the way his breathing catches as he releases inside her.

He pushes at her hips until she gets the hint, sliding off of him and laying out on the couch. He zips up his pants and walks away, tripping over one of Ed's boxes as he leaves, his grumbles about his aching foot echoing through the hallway.

Ed pops back in once he's gone, Ein close behind, and stares at her with curious eyes but asks no questions (for once, and she is grateful).


"Why do you hate talking about it so much?"

"The past is past. Better to leave it be."

"But what if it's all you have?"

"You've still got the future, right?"

"Stuck on this ship, making no money? Some future."


They've forgotten it's a game.

Neither remembers who started playing who, and what the prize was in the first place. She knows he fucks her thinking of a blond that may or may not be dead, and he knows she fucks him thinking of him as little more than a sex toy. Everyone on the ship knows they're having sex, and how often, but it's not like they're hiding it, not really. They just never talk about it, because then it turns into something else, something with meaning, which this was never supposed to be.

Somewhere along the way, in the hallways and crew cabins, against the ship hull and various kinds of furniture, they've forgotten what this was supposed to be.

They don't dare think of what this has become.


They're in her room, where she's been waiting for him to come all along. Her room is in disarray, all of her things knocked off of shelves and clothes scattered along the floor, while the two of them lay tucked beneath her thoroughly rumpled sheets, staring at the ceiling in the dark.

"What kind of future could either of us have, anyway?"

"A nice one, I'd hope."

"You'll probably be dead and I'll be alone."

"Well, yeah, eventually. But it could be nice for a while."


He rolls on top of her then, running a hand gently against her cheek.

"Spike," she says, warningly, sounding irritated.

He ignores whatever warning she gives, leaning down and kissing her. It's soft and it's short, but when he pulls away, she's stunned and breathless.

"Use your imagination, Faye," he says, teasingly, sounding smug.

pairing -- spike/faye, cowboy bebop, !fic, rating -- [r]

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