Since it is midnight, yesterday I invited Angel and her kids over to celebrate Gavin's birthday. And to make up for missing Skylar's on the 15th. I got them gifts and baked them a cake. :3c I need to put icing on it. I believe we're going swimming at the pool for the occasion. This reminds me, I need to call Byron and ask if he wants to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes with me.
Beyond that, nothing else going on. I wrote more fic located at
vivid_ambrosia. More spamming Tumblr with nonsense. Work was good; I had nearly two weeks off, but most of it not really my choice lol. But back into the groove of things. One of our coworker's birthday's is the 25th and I'm terrible because all I'm thinking is FREE CAKE.
Also, I said I would do this a couple days ago, but I am so bad with these memes, so no surprise.
Your favorite Autobot.
Ratchet. Ratchet has been a favorite of mine since G1. I love him in the cartoon, the comics and the movies. However, I loathe TFA Ratchet, which really is such a shame. But TF:P Ratchet I think is my favorite of all his incarnations. He's funny, witty, bitter and just awesome, okay. Every scene he's in is amplified 100% more awesome. Thanks to the synthetic energon episode, which I believe is most definitely a homage to Re-Animator, I watched the Re-Animator series and officially fell in love with Jeffrey Combs. Now I'm watching more of his work and hope, one day, we may actually meet for an autograph unlike last year. It made me realize how much horror, Lovecraftian and Poe related work Combs has done, which has amplified my boner 100%.
I really love Ratchet's general attitude, his interactions with other characters and his relationships with them. I still need to write Optimus/Ratchet sob. He reminds me a little of McCoy; idk what it is with me and bitchy/bitter doctors. He's got some of the best lines and reactions. Plus he'll kick your ass.