なんとまぁ"アジア人気アーティスト賞"と"年度音楽大賞"2つも賞をいただきました!ファンの皆様おめでとう! I received "the most popular artist in Asia… https://t.co/w0AeMHe3yO - Jin Akanishi 赤西 仁 (@Jin_Akanishi) December 5, 2015
お誕生日おめでとう 30歳になりました。。。 tho it hurts, but i'll respect & support your decision thank you for all the cheers and happiness you give me for the last decade it's time for you to chase your very own happiness have a great life and lovelife with your beloved one, both of you deserve it well お疲さま。。。また今度。。。