With WordPress I'd have to get hosting elsewhere, right? And register a domain name. And set it all up myself. Which is a project I'd really enjoy, if I had the time. I actually would love to do that-- but it's just too time consuming for me right now.
If I could do it cheaper than Typepad (which I probably could) and if I could set it up in one day (which I might be able to do, but I'm not sure), then WordPress would definitely be the better option.
I'm going to be doing more research into this over the next month or so... if you've got any advice I'd love to hear it.
The revisemedia.com service looks good. MUCH cheaper than Typepad. Even with domain name registration... I mean, come on-- for fifteen dollars ($4.95 for the WordPress hosting, and another $9.95 for the domain name), I might as well go ahead and do it.
Comments 6
- Martey
If I could do it cheaper than Typepad (which I probably could) and if I could set it up in one day (which I might be able to do, but I'm not sure), then WordPress would definitely be the better option.
I'm going to be doing more research into this over the next month or so... if you've got any advice I'd love to hear it.
- Martey
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