Title: 010. Shiver [2/100]
Pairing: Heechul/Heechul
Rating: PG
Genre: angst-ish
Word count: 246
Summary: He couldn't cry. It was too cold in the room.
A/N: I don't know what this is... But Heechul+shivers obviously leads to some kind of angst, it has to.
He was sitting on the floor, in an empty corner of his bedroom. It was dark, he had never bothered to turn on the lights as he had hurried into the room, away from curious eyes.
The floor was cold at first, but it was slowly warmed by his body heat. It was almost comforting, how he could give at least something some warmth. That thought was so ridiculous that he wanted to cry. Yes, it was that thought he wanted to cry at, nothing else.
No one would mind if he cried, right? No one could hear, they couldn’t complain. They couldn’t worry. If he were to cry, they would be his tears and no one else’s. They would fall from his eyes unnoticed, and the next day he could pretend it never happened, because no one could prove that they had ever existed before they would have already dried away from his cheeks.
Still, he tried to resist them, sniffing helplessly as one finally slipped from his eye.
“Damn it, Heechul, stay strong”, he told himself.
There was a gust of wind outside, and Heechul noticed the bedroom window was open. That must be why the air was so cold. But it also meant that he can’t cry, because someone might hear after all. He wiped his eyes and sat still for a long time. Eventually a shiver ran through his body, and he blamed the cold. It was nothing else but the cold.
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