As there is nothing else right now that I'm enjoying more than failing college, I'll post my three characters from Sentinels Server. Beneath the cut, and no backstories right now, I'm lazy.
Name; Carinalyra
Race; Draenei
Class; Priest
General; Naturally a redhead, she is quite shy despite what they say. She is loving and caring, more concerned for others than for herself. She lost her family in the crash of the Exodar, her only current close friend being Chrissayna. She is more the silently adventurous type, not wanting to let on that she likes to go scavenging and will do so despite what others say.
Backstory; Coming soon.
Name; Anadyomene
Race; Night Elf
Class; Druid
Generals; Don't let her white hair fool you, she's quite young for a Night Elf. Ana is kind, loving, and quite. When she talks it's mostly about the black and white of the world as her knowledge of it has never extended far beyond Darkshore. She frequents Moonglade as an escape from the atrocities of the planet, as a Druid more in tune with nature and the more the trees cry the more she aches. Her love was killed in the fall of Ameth'Aran, her heart never having recovered completely. Despite what she'll say, it is not something she is unwilling to talk about. She just won't be happy doing it. She's seeking an end to the hurt, and in turn has joined The Order of Steel to achieve this goal. Already a part of the Honour Guard in ranks, she is wise despite such little understanding of the true horrors of the world.
Backstory; Coming soon.
Name; Alachesisa
Race; Blood Elf
Class; Warlock
Generals; Don't have any right now. Need to get back to thinking of her history first.
Backstory; Coming soon.
And because my lovely information cut through the picture, I'm going to fix it.. lol Uhm.. I have been drawing. Ana already has a love interest... although I find it ironic that it's a human. One session of RP already behind us. Intriguing. :)